Weekly Rundown- Making it Work

You know those articles that describe an amazing morning routine? The guy will talk about how he gets up, meditates, writes in his journal, drinks a healthy green smoothie, does his workout, then sits down for three or four incredibly productive hours at his computer… and suddenly you think ‘Wait a minute! Who’s taking care of his kids while all this is going on???” It’s a fact- you can have it all, but not all at the same time. Kid duties seemed more intense around here this week, with an early morning band rehearsal (daughter) and lots of college application/audition stress (son.) Sleep suffered a bit and mentally I wasn’t as focused on my workouts, but I still had a good week. Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Rundown- here it is! Monday Day off, as usual. Tuesday Run 3 miles, followed by Runner’s Touch exercise. Wednesday Run 2 miles. I added a fifth day of running this week, hooray! This was the added day so I kept it short. Because of my daughter’s schedule, I did lower body strength before the run- squats and lunges. I don’t usually do strength before running, but I figured it was only 2 miles- what could possibly go wrong? It was fine. Thursday Okay. I know everyone up north is laughing at us, complaining about our “cold” weather, but holy crap! It was cold this week! LOOK AT THIS: I know 39 sound balmy to some people, but we’re not used to it. Our blood is thinner down here! Luckily it wasn’t windy so with a hat and gloves I was fine. The funny thing is, later at work when I was telling a co-worker that it was 39 when I got up, she asked “Did you still run?” Ha! Of course I ran! I think it would have to be 39 BELOW for me not to run. I did grow up in the midwest- so I’m not that much of a wimp. Followed the run with Gauntlet Plank Workout. Friday This was my day off from running, and since anything involving my upper body was conspicuously absent this week, I did strength training focusing on pullups. Considering how sore I was the next day, I think it was effective! Saturday By the weekend, summer had returned. I felt bad for my husband, who was doing his last long run before his half marathon next weekend. After all the chilly mornings, Saturday was muggy and in the 70s. But, he survived and so did I- I ran 3 miles. Followed by lunges and single leg squats. Sunday Ran 5 miles! I wanted to increase the distance, but I had to get home to help my son out- he has a big audition via Zoom today. It’s probably for the best anyway, since I already added a day of running and two miles this week. Might as well take it slowly. It was warm, and I returned home drenched in sweat- and it made me happy. That’s what a Sunday morning should feel like! Followed this run with Gauntlet Plank Workout. Hope everyone had a great week! What do you guys think- it can be tough juggling everything with kids, right? In the end, they always come first.