Weekly Rundown- Taking a Step Back

Happy Valentine’s Day! My week started off normally but took a sharp left turn on Tuesday. As I mentioned in this post, I decided to try somatic movement exercises to clear up the lingering pain in my foot. My book arrived… … and I spent the week reading it and doing the exercises. Full review of the book and process will be coming up! In the meantime, I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Rundown. It was an unusual week but here it is! Monday Day off as usual. Tuesday Ran three miles, followed by Runner’s Touch exercise and pullups. It was during this run that I listened to the podcast about somatic movement to heal chronic pain. I was able to access the video of the plantar fasciitis routine on the website, and she recommends taking a break from any activity which could be exacerbating the problem, so I reluctantly decided to take three days off running. Then, because the exercises involve loosening the low back, feet, and calves, I wasn’t sure if anything else I was doing (deadlifts, planks) might also interfere with the process, so I made the radical decision to take three days off of all exercise, other than the somatic healing movements. This is where things got weird. Wednesday Did nothing other than the eighteen-minute somatic movement routine. I entered into a strange, parallel universe… one where people sleep a little longer, move their bodies in gentle ways, don’t run around outside or lift heavy objects. Who am I? What’s going on? Thursday Again only did the somatic movement exercises. To clarify, I’m referring to them as “exercises” but it’s really slow, gentle movements. It’s not strengthening or even stretching. You’re very consciously contracting and then slowly, slowly, sloooooowly releasing the muscle, to re-set the nervous system. Friday Day three of nothing other than somatic movement exercises. I literally had a moment of confusion as I was getting in the shower- wait! I’m not all sweaty? Why am I showering again??? Ha ha… funny to think most people live like this all the time! Saturday Enough is enough! I ran! Three miles and it felt amazing. There’s nothing like taking a little time off to make you super-appreciative of being able to run. Also did the somatic movement exercises afterwards. Sunday Ran four miles, followed by walking lunges and planks. It was a cutback week for sure, for both running and strength. I’m glad I did it, but I’m excited to get back to regular training next week. As I said, I’ll be doing a full review of the somatic movement process soon but I will say one thing- it’s not a magical quick-fix. Darn! That’s what I was hoping for (ha ha.) I’m going to continue to do the routines while getting back to regular running. Lastly, congratulations to everyone who ran the Ft. Lauderdale Marathon and Half today, including my husband who ran the Half! The weather was beautiful.. .for sitting on the beach. Not so much for running a race, and I feel especially bad for the marathoners. Most of them are finishing in hot, humid conditions. Even with the weather conditions, I’m sad I wasn’t able to run it this year. Well, there’s always next year! Anyone doing something fun for Valentine’s Day? And who ran the marathon/half today? I’m looking forward to reading some race recaps!