Friday Fun

Happy Friday! It’s almost impossible not to feel good on Friday, right? Here are some things going on around here: Summer has arrived! It was already 80 degrees for my morning run yesterday (the high this weekend is supposed to be 93- can’t wait for my long run!) so my summer running wardrobe is back. When it’s really hot I just. can’t. stand. to have anything touching my stomach. It’s weird, but even a tank top is too hot. This particular run was at 9 am, so it was pretty late. I probably still have some early morning tank top runs left before summer is here for good. My hydration vest arrives tomorrow! I can’t wait- I will no longer have to do this: For my last several long runs, I’ve developed the “ingenious” plan of hiding a water bottle the night before, then I pick it up midway through the run, drink as much as I can, flatten it and stick it in my Nathan belt. On the day I ran to the beach I threw it into the recycling bin in front of a house I passed- otherwise I usually carry it home. This isn’t the worst plan in the world, but it does have some drawbacks. Running with a hydration vest will give me much more freedom. But! I’ve never run with one before. I’m always worried that it will a) bounce around and annoy me, and b) make me too hot. The one I ordered is this one recommended by Deborah. The reviewers said it did not bounce or make them hot- we will see! I’m excited to try it out on Sunday. Lastly, FOOD! Specifically the best food ever invented, bread. I’m pretty sure I’ve shared this before, but this recipe for homemade bread is my favorite. It’s easy and foolproof, and there’s no kneading! I mixed all the ingredients together yesterday morning and let it sit for a couple hours while I did my thing, then I just put the bowl in the refrigerator before I went to work. An hour before dinner I took it out, formed it into loaves, and baked for 20 minutes. The best part is, it makes anything I serve it with instantly acceptable. The conversation goes something like this: “What’s for dinner?” – “Smoky split pea soup.” – “Ew!” – “…and homemade bread!” “Oh- hooray!” Btw, the bread AND the soup were delicious. I’ve learned that you just have to know how to sell it. Hope everyone has a great day! What’s your summer running wardrobe? What’s your hydration system in the summer? In the past I’ve planned my long runs around water fountains, but that doesn’t work on the trails!