“What’s Up With That” Wednesday

Hi there! Glad you dropped in because I have JUST A FEW bones to pick on this Wednesday. Let’s get started! What’s up with Hoka? Last week I got new Hokas. I’ve been wearing the Cliftons, and I ordered a new pair from JackRabbit. Same shoe, same size, same width (wide.) When they arrived I tried them on and thought they felt a little tight. I double checked the size and width and decided I must be imagining it. WELL, a week later and the right shoe especially is pinching my toes. The entire reason I wear Hokas is for the wide toe box. Let me present Exhibit A: Come on! The one on the right is much narrower, right??? Or it has a different shape… or something. Anyway, I don’t like it. Why would they do that? Is anyone really complaining that the toe box is too wide? Anyway… now I’m on the lookout for another “second” pair of shoes. My first pair being the New Balance 880s- at least those are still wide enough. What’s up with Spotify? Okay, I realize I’m being a cheapskate here because I use the free Spotify. In addition to the fact that they add their own songs to my playlists (and for some reason seem to think that I love Train) there are way too many commercials. Before my 5k time trail on Sunday, it gave me the option to get thirty minutes of uninterrupted music if I watched an ad video. Perfect! I watched the video and looked forward to an ad-free run. Well, it played two songs and then they started. Every two or three songs I got an ad for mammograms (thanks, but I already already had one this year,) an ad for the Covid vaccine (ditto) and an ad in Spanish (absolutely no idea what was going on there.) It’s like they’re trying to make it just bad enough so that you’ll give in and pay for it. We’ll just see about that! What’s up with the anti-anti-maskers? I get it… the mask thing is complicated. When I went to Publix today, instead of the usual sign saying “Facial Coverings Required” I saw this: I know. No one knows who’s vaccinated and who’s not. And like everything else, it’s political. I felt like if I wanted to take my mask off, I should carry a sign saying “Not a Trump supporter. Fully vaccinated and just want to take off the frickin’ mask.” A Publix employee was nearby cleaning off carts and saw me studying the sign. He shrugged and said “It’s gotta end sometime.” Amen, brother. Are places in your area lifting the mask restriction? Are you still wearing one? Do you use Spotify? The free or paid version? Please recommend any shoes you know of with an extra-wide toe box!!!