Weekly Rundown- So, That Happened…

Hi Everyone! My week was… different. SIGH. Read on to find out why… I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for this Weekly Rundown. Let’s just see how the week played out! Sunday I usually start my weekly review on a Monday, but this time I’m rewinding to Sunday. It was the day I ran my 5k time trial, and I went on and on about how fun it was, and how I’m going to start working on my speed and sign up for races. WELL. Later that day, after I had been sitting for a while, I got up and noticed that my right hip flexor was REALLY stiff. Weirdly painful. That’s strange, I thought… I must have tweaked it during the run, although I didn’t notice it at the time. Monday Day off, as always and it was a good thing because that leg was still really sore. Hrumph. Tuesday Leg was still sore, but I thought maybe just a slow, easy run would help loosen it up, so I did four miles. The first few steps were painful but then I could run on it. Followed this run with pull-ups. Wednesday What the… leg is STILL SORE. Another slow, easy four mile run. Even in the Sunshine State we get rain, and I got rained on for this one. It was later in this day that I realized something was not right with the leg. Slow easy runs weren’t helping. Rats. Thursday Lower body weights. Found that single leg moves weren’t going to work with that right leg, but I could still do squats and deadlifts. Later in the day I had a stroke of luck. I called my sports chiropractor who is usually booked up weeks in advance, and they told me that they just had a cancellation and could fit me in on Tuesday, which is my day off of work. PERFECT! He’ll be able to fix everything. Possibly. Friday Here I had a conundrum. Running was out of the picture. My bike was in the shop. My pool flotation device, which I use for pool running (SCREEEEAAAAM!) had been stuffed into the fence to stop up a hole, to keep the cat from getting out. Instead of cardio I did an upper body strength workout. It was better than nothing. Saturday I give up. Life has no meaning. I slept in as late as I could, considering that I had to be at work at 9:00. BUT THEN… A miracle occurred! The shop called to tell me my bike was ready!!! They had originally told me it would take two weeks but obviously they had a message from the Universe that a rush job was needed. My lovely husband went to pick it up while I was at work. And so… My road bike is still in a time-out in the garage (long story) and this is my older hybrid bike. I had taken it into the shop to get it tuned up and to get tires specifically for gravel trails. Hooray! Sunday I got out to my beloved trail, this time on the bike! I rode for a little over two hours. Did I wish I were running instead? Yep. Was it 100 times better than sitting at home doing nothing? HELL YES. When life throws you a curve ball, you have to take a swing anyway… and enjoy the game. Who did a long run this weekend? -I’ll live vicariously through you. Has anyone else had a hip flexor/quad issue? – To be clear, I’m talking about the muscle in front of your leg, at the top, that lifts your leg up in front of you.