A Full Life

When my hip first started to hurt, if you had told me that I would be off running for at least five weeks, I would have screamed, loudly and repeatedly. But that’s what happened- I had to look back through my log to make sure, but it’s been five weeks since my last run. The weeks have passed by surprisingly quickly, In this post I talked about Keira D’Amato, who had to withdraw from the Olympic Trials due to injury. Her advice for getting through an injury is “fill your life.” So what have I been filling my life with? Well… Physical Therapy I started gong to PT, and it takes up a lot of time. I go twice a week for an hour session, and then I spend at least 45 minutes a day doing my homework. It’s time-consuming, and also fascinating to see how my body is working.. or not working, in this case. Here I am doing step-ups. The goal, as in all the exercises I do, is to aim my knee out towards my little toe, because it wants to track inward. Working on strengthening those glute medius muscles! By the way, while I was doing this exercise I suddenly realized how much better my hip is. Up until a few days ago it was still hurting and I questioned my progress, but I couldn’t step up like this at all five weeks ago, and now I’m doing sets of 20! Just goes to show, progress is never linear. The Olympics! I’ve been fanatically watching the Olympic Trials. I watched diving, swimming, track and field (of course) and men’s gymnastics. We decided to stream Peacock in order to get more coverage. I’m loving every single second of it! And look at this tank top from Old Navy… I ordered this one, but they have other colors and styles as well. Books Right now I’m reading this: I try to read a book a week. I know there are people who read way more than that, but this is a reasonable schedule for me. I don’t get a lot of reading time during the day, but look forward to it every night. Besides the fact that I just love to read, I also follow some really fun reading blogs- Modern Mrs. Darcy is my favorite right now. Between those three things, work, pool running, planning our trip to Austin… I barely have time to think, much less dwell on the fact that I’m not running right now. Every once in a while I’ll think, “Oh yeah! Soon I’ll be able to run again!” It will be the icing on the cake. What’s the best book you’ve read lately? What are some things you’re filling your life with these days?