July Coffee Date (already???)

Well, I think we can all agree that June was the shortest month ever. And now I’m linking up once again with Deborah and Coco for the Ultimate Coffee Date! Let’s get to it… If we were having coffee (or, earl grey tea) together, I would run this scenario past you: I finished my first six PT sessions, and my hip feels 100% better- except that I haven’t run on it to test it out yet. I’m hesitating because I still feel the strength imbalances that (we believe) caused the problem in the first place. My right hip had the injury, but now my left hip is sore and achy from all the PT exercises I’ve been doing. In the last session, Arvon (my therapist) had me hooked up to a machine that was like a TENS unit, to promote bloodflow to my left glutes throughout the session. He said he thinks the pain on that side is due to some tendonosis from a previous injury that never healed correctly. Could be! And I could continue PT for the left hip now, and while we’re at it, how about the plantar fasciitis in my left foot that I still have? This could go on and on. Arvon recommends more therapy so that I continue to strengthen the muscles with a “proper progression.” The problem is, PT is expensive. If it were free I would go indefinitely! However, I’m now faced with the choice of 1) paying for another six sessions, 2) continuing to do the exercises on my own (since I’m pretty sure I understand the meaning of the word “progression”) OR… 3) maybe what I actually need is a strength coach? Next week we’ll be out of town, so I’m holding off on a decision until I get back, and in the meantime I’ll continue to do the exercises on my own. What would you do if you were me? I got COMPLETELY ENGROSSED in this book!!! Maybe it’s because my husband was out of town this week so I had more time to read… but holy crap, it’s been a long time since I was so into a book. The last day I was reading it, I felt like all my non-reading time was just annoying interruptions until I could get back to it again. Hope everyone is enjoying their beverage of choice! What was the last book you read that you couldn’t put down?