So Much Running

Well, I’m in heaven. I could sit for hours and watch people run, and that’s exactly what I’ve been doing every night. I love every single Olympic track race- all the distances, hurdles, preliminary rounds through the finals. My husband gets bored watching unless the race is a final, but for me, watching all the rounds makes it clear how hard it is to advance. Just to be at the Olympics at all is a huge achievement, and then to advance through to a final is incredible. With only three runners winning medals, it’s nice to be able to appreciate what the others have accomplished. Plus, some of the shorter races are so quick- it’s fun to see the athletes more than once. And what about form? I love to see the sprinters powering through their races, but when the races get to 800 meters and longer their bodies change, and they’re doing the same kind of running as I am (only twice as fast, of course.) I love how high their knees come up behind them- I’m trying to imitate that in my own running. And how about this Rich Roll podcast with Courtney Dauwalter. Courtney is one of the best ultrarunners in the world. Probably her most impressive accomplishment is winning the Moab 240 (that’s a 240 mile race) outright- beating all the men and finishing TEN HOURS ahead of the second place finisher. So many words of wisdom about the mental aspect of running, but my favorite is “Stay right where your feet are.” If that works for Courtney during her 240 mile races, it should work for us! And then… I’m so grateful to be out there again!!! My knees are feeling better and better each time I run. It’s super hot and muggy, and by the end of a three mile run I’m tired. But I just keep thinking “this is what I wanted!” Nothing like being injured to make you appreciate every single step. Happy running to everyone! Are you watching the track races? Do you follow ultrarunning, or does it just sound nuts to you?