August Coffee Date

Good morning and happy Friday! I’m linking up with Deborah and Coco for the Ultimate Coffee Date! I have a nice souvenir mug from our trip, full of earl grey tea and I’m ready to share- August is already turning into a crazy month! If we were having coffee together, I would tell you that for the eighteenth consecutive year, I will not be getting “Mother of the Year” award. Yesterday my husband said, “Doesn’t Angie need a physical before school starts?” Hmmm? Who? Get a what- GAAAAAAAAAAHHHH! I completely forgot that my daughter has to get a physical before seventh grade, and school starts TUESDAY. Shouldn’t the school have reminded me of this? Oh… there it is. In a voice message I never listened to. A frantic call to the pediatrician confirmed our suspicions that they have no appointments available for two weeks. The school suggested that we call an urgent care center, and LUCKILY my husband was able to get her in for a last-minute physical. Crisis averted. In my defense, I’ve been distracted by the upcoming departure of my son. I’m hoping to at least pull out “Mother of the Week” in a couple weeks when I drive him to Texas! Yes, it will be an epic road trip from Boca Raton, FL to Baylor University. I say that now, but there’s a strong possibility that I’ll be regretting this decision somewhere in Louisiana, especially on the way back when I’ll be by myself. But for right now we’re excited about this trip. Speaking of my son’s departure… last week several bloggers posted about their home gyms, and I was severely envious. Right now my “home gym” consists of me moving my weights and mat from room to room, trying to find a convenient spot. I’m now having the evil thought of turning my son’s bedroom into my temporary “gym” while he’s gone… of course it will turn back into his bedroom for Thanksgiving and he’ll never suspect a thing… muahahahaha. That picture is from my post-run workout earlier this week… look at my muddy legs. And wet shoes. August is a soggy month here. Anyone else feel like it’s extra hard getting the kids back to school this year? For those of you who don’t have kids- how’s your August going? I want to hear what it’s like to have a “normal” month!