Weekly Rundown- Countdown to Thanksgiving!

Welcome to the Weekly Rundown and Day 14 of NaBloPoMo! Thank you to San for hosting NaBloPoMo, and Kim and Deborah for hosting the Weekly Rundown. Phew! Lots of hosts. November is almost halfway over, and both my challenges are going well. For NaBloPoMo, I’m publishing a blog post every day for 30 days. So far so good! And I’m also doing a yoga class every day for the month of November. To be honest, this isn’t that challenging. All my classes are on the Peloton app- it’s not like I’m trudging out to a yoga studio everyday- and I’m not doing a whole lot else. I’m running shorter distances, four times a week, and I’m considering the power yoga classes to be my strength training. So there’s absolutely no excuse for not getting in a class every day. Monday Started the week with a 30 minute “slow flow” class with Denis Morton. Actually, once again, all my yoga classes this week were with Denis. I like the slow flow classes because the poses are held longer, and Denis gives a bit more instruction. It’s been a long time (like ten years) since I took an in-person yoga class, so I need all the instruction I can get. Tuesday Started the day with a three mile run. It was nice to run in the daylight at 6 am! Then I went to the podiatrist for my fourth shockwave treatment. I wrote about it in this post. I now have three weeks off- my next treatment is scheduled for November 30- and my doctor feels confident that I’ll see a big improvement during this time. Meanwhile… I can keep running. All is well. Later in the day I did a 30 minute power yoga class. Good class, Denis! Wednesday Started the day with a 45 minute power yoga class. I’m realizing that not all power yoga classes are created equal. Since I’m using them as strength training, I like classes with a lot of lunge work and warrior poses. This was a good one, with three rounds of a sequence moving into Warrior 3. Later in the month I’m going to do a post about my favorite power yoga classes. Thursday My daughter was off of school, so I had a more leisurely start to my day. Started with a three mile run……and then had time for a 30 minute power yoga class before work. Yay! Friday First thing in the morning I did a 30 minute power yoga class- I know… sounds so monotonous. These were all different classes, I swear. Different 30 minutes classes with Denis Morton. After work I did a 2.5 mile run. I feel like this was a bonus run. Last week my foot was pretty sore after the shockwave treatment, and I only ran three times. This week it felt up to four runs! I loved this run! Normally I’m a morning runner but it was so fun to get out for a run as the sun was setting. Saturday Started the day with a 30 minute slow flow yoga class. I work on Saturday mornings, and this was a tiring one. I had my absolute hardest client- a guy who wants the deepest pressure I can possibly give, for a 90 minute massage. It really is like a workout- I ended it drenched in sweat. And I did two other massages, both deceptively small women who also wanted deep pressure. Yes, it was “deep” day. Sigh! I got home in time to see the second half of the Baylor game, OH YEAH. They upset Oklahoma, and the Baylor fans stormed the field. Every single Baylor home game has been so much fun to watch! After the game I texted my son- it’s become a bit of a joke because my husband and I are so into the games, and my son just doesn’t care for football. He was probably in a practice room working on his etudes. I told him Baylor won and that he missed out on storming the field, and his response was “Oh good! Maybe I’ll order a pizza tonight to celebrate.” It’s okay- he’s enjoying himself, just not at the football games. I originally thought I might do a quick power yoga class in the afternoon, but I decided to go in the opposite direction and took a nap on the couch instead. I love that feeling when you stop fighting it, give in and let yourself drift off to sleep. Good nap. Sunday Long run day! Of course it’s all relative. Right now my “long” runs are five miles, but I’ll take it. After the run I did a quick 10 minute yoga flow, focusing on quads. Good, quick class! There were pistol squats (my old nemesis) but I modified them- I learned that lesson. I only had time for the ten minute class because we’re getting a new couch delivered- I see some improved napping in my future! But I would like to do a longer class later on- I have my eye on an evening flow. So all is well! I’m hoping to see more and more improvement in my foot. And the most exciting thing is that next week at this time, my son will be home. I haven’t seen him since I said goodbye to him on August 19th- I CAN’T WAIT!!! Fun times. Do you like naps? – I love them but my sister hates them- she says she wakes up all groggy. Are you getting excited about Thanksgiving- I AM!!!