Hey, You Guys! Thanks.

Happy Thanksgiving, if you are celebrating today!  If not, happy fourth Thursday in November!  Either way… I wanted to drop in briefly to say thank you. Thank you to Kim and Deborah for hosting the Weekly Rundown and inviting me to join.  Through them, I met this incredible online running community, which has been a source of inspiration, encouragement, and pleasure over the past year. Thank you to  San for organizing our group for NaBloPoMo.  Who knew people were blogging about crafts, poetry, reading, writing, cats, and the fascinating details of their lives in such insightful and hilarious ways?  I discovered all sorts of new blogs that I love. Lastly, thank you to everyone who has taken the time to read my blog and kindly leave a comment.  You put up with my meandering topics and blurry pictures, and I truly appreciate it. I hope you have a marvelous, fantastic, and astounding day!