January Runfessions

You wouldn’t think I’d have much to “runfess,” with the minimal amount of miles I’ve been running.  But have no fear!  I can think of a few things to get off my chest.  I’m joining Marcia in her monthly “runfessional.” Let’s just see what’s been going on this month… It has been COLD here lately.  By “cold,” I mean “Florida-cold.”  South Florida cold.   Usually we consider it cold if the overnight temperatures get down into the 50s.  This past week we got down to the 40s a couple times, and we actually have a freeze warning for overnight Saturday going into Sunday morning, where temperatures could get down to 32 degrees.  Seriously… that’s really cold.  We’re not set up for that kind of weather. In between cold fronts we had a couple warm days again, and I was happy to run in a tank top today: So, I’ll runfess… it’s kind of fun for a couple days when the temperatures dip down, but I don’t like being cold.  That’s why I moved to Florida!  Remind me of this next time I complain about the heat. So, how about that chilly Sunday morning?   I runfess that I’ll be enjoying it from the comfort of my bed, where I’ll be snuggled under a warm quilt.  While I’m rehabbing my foot, I’m running every other day.  That means every other week I’m only running Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.  At first I didn’t like that, because I’m so used to doing a long run on Sundays.  But then… I realized that every other Sunday I can sleep late.  Sunday is the only day of the week where no one has to be up for school or work (I work on Saturdays) but typically I get up even earlier than normal on Sundays to do my run.  That’s my ideal way to spend a Sunday morning- out on a long run. But, I’ll runfess that it’s an unexpected pleasure to sleep late.  After years of “mom-hood” where sleeping late is never an option, it feels like a luxury. Eventually on Sunday I’ll do a yoga or strength class, but there’s no reason to get up early for that.  And at some point (hopefully sooner rather than later) I’ll be back to my Sunday long runs, but for now I’ll appreciate my lazy every-other-Sundays. Lastly, I’ll runfess that I would make a lousy Navy SEAL.  After reading Living With a Seal, where Jesse Itzler describes what it’s like living and training with David Goggins for a month, I decided to up my strength game.  I added extra pushups to my routine, and a 30 minute Peloton glutes and legs class..  Yes!  I’m just as tough as Goggins!  Except, today my legs are sore and my neck is all jacked up (not sure how that happened, but possibly from sleeping in a bad position.) I went for my run this morning but skipped any other strength work.  Goggins would not approve, nor would he approve of sleeping late on Sunday and complaining about the weather when it’s 32 degrees.  Yes, I’m not quite ready for SEAL training but then, I don’t think the Navy SEALS are accepting 55-year-old women into their program anyway.  So it all works out. So that’s it!  Do you have any sleeping late, weather-related runfessions?  How about a strength-fession?  You can admit it… we’re all friends here.