Weekly Rundown- Doing It All

Hi there! It’s Super Bowl Sunday and Valentine’s Day Eve! Two events I’m lukewarm about, but we have to make the most of any and all minor holidays in February. I’m linking up as always with Kim and Deborah for this weekly rundown. This week had three days of running, following my every-other-day schedule. In addition, my plans were to do three yoga classes, two glutes and legs strength classes, two core classes (all classes were Peloton), and pushups and/or pull-ups four times. Phew! That’s a lot, considering all I really want to do is run. But I’ve accepted the fact that in order to run, I need to do all the other things. It really wasn’t too hard to fit it all in on a week where I only ran three times. Here’s how it all went down. Monday I remember the old days, where I would run long on Sundays and then always take Mondays off. But now I’m starting to appreciate the “never miss a Monday” mentality. It was good to get a couple items checked off my “to-do” list: I did a 20 minute core class with Jess Sims, and pull-ups. Check, check! Tuesday Started the day with a four mile run. Later in the day I did Jess Sim’s 30 minute glutes and legs class, and then the ten minute hips stretch with Chase Tucker. I actually wasn’t crazy about the stretches he did, but I like the way he incorporated breathing. I plan to check out some of his other stretch classes. Wednesday Ah, everything’s going so well… but wait! I haven’t done any yoga classes yet. I did a 30 minute flow with Denis Morton, my fave, and followed it with pushups. Thursday Four mile run! I planned to do some strength after work, but Thursdays are my hardest days and well… I ended up taking a nap instead. Oh well! Friday Started the day with Jess’s 30 minutes glutes and legs class, followed by pull-ups. Later in the day I did Denis Morton’s “confidence” yoga flow, which apparently is part of Peloton’s “mood” class series. I didn’t see anything different about it than his usual classes, and that was fine- I picked it because the picture showed him in half moon, and I’m always seeking out that pose these days. Saturday For the first time since I started running again in January, I varied from my every-other-day schedule. Today should have been a running day, but my daughter had a band event where she was playing in several different ensembles at a contest. Luckily my husband was able to take her (since I had to work) but instead of being out running early, I felt like I should be home to get her breakfast, make sure she had everything she needed, and provide moral support. No matter how much I love running, my kids always come first. In between bagel toasting and water bottle filling, I did another 20 minute core class with Jess Sims. I’m surprised to say this one was a little easy for me. Not EASY, easy, but I wasn’t moaning, huffing and swearing my way though it- which makes me think I should look for a harder one next time. I also did pushups, and then later in the day did Denis’s glute focus yoga flow. A word about this class- it says it’s a beginner class, but that just means Denis gives a little more instruction. It’s really a great class to activate and work your glutes. I love coming back to these focus flows every once in a while. Sunday Let’s see! I finished all my strength workouts for the week, which left Sunday free to JUST RUN. Living the dream! As a bonus, new shoes arrived on Saturday: The Hoka Cliftons are the shoes that seem to accommodate my new orthotics the best right now. And, I really like these colors for a change! I’ve had some really ugly color combinations lately (my last shoes were black, navy, and orange) and while color isn’t that important, it’s nice to put on a pair of shoes that I actually like. This run was cool, windy, and very rainy! I thought about Darlene running her half marathon today up in Melbourne FL- I hope they had better weather! All running is good running though- six wet, happy miles. And now… I’m off to make red waffles! I’m going to use beetroot powder to make them red- we’ll see how that goes. I hope everyone had a great week! Are you watching the Super Bowl tonight? Do you make any special food for Valentine’s Day?