Weekly Rundown- Runs and Fun

Hello, and welcome to my weekly rundown of workouts, Olympics watching and… a fun blogger meetup! Thanks as always to our fearless leaders Kim and Deborah for hosting. I talked about my process goals here, and this week the plan was to run four times, do three yoga classes, two lower body strength classes, pull-up work three times, and I did the first week of the Peloton Crush Your Core 2 challenge, which Deborah talked about in this post. Let’s just see how it all worked out! Monday I started the week with the first Crush Your Core class. The first week of the program has four classes, and they’re all short, so it’s easy to add it onto whatever else you’re doing. I followed that with a 30 minute yoga flow with Denis Morton (also a Peloton class) and pull-ups. Once again to clarify- I can’t actually do pull-ups (YET!) but I’m doing work on the pull-up bar to (hopefully) get me strong enough to do unassisted pull-ups someday. Tuesday First, I did the second core class from the Crush Your Core challenge, and then… I met Darlene! Darlene ran a half marathon in Melbourne, FL two days prior, but she wasn’t sore at all and was up for a run. As a matter of fact I think “Always Up For a Run” is Darlene’s motto in life. I picked her up from her friend’s where she was staying, and she was wearing a shirt that said “Train, Racecation, Repeat.” We went to the beach for a three mile run. After the run we walked and chatted- it was a warm day, but very windy (I swear, there’s always something wrong with the weather when someone visits!) It was short but sweet, as Darlene flew back to New York that afternoon. Later in the day I did a Peloton glutes and legs strength class with Jess Sims, and then a glutes and legs stretch with Chase. Fun day! Wednesday For the first time since the beginning of January, I broke my every-other-day run schedule, and ran again. Just a short three miles! Later in the afternoon I did a 30 minute yoga flow class with my Peloton bff, Denis Morton. Thursday Started the day with core class #3, then did another glutes and legs strength class, and then did my pull-up work. Phew! It all took less than an hour, but it felt like a big day of strength for me. A quick word- the bloom is off the rose with Jess Sims. Well, I like everything about her classes except for her perky comments. No, Jess, I don’t want to do an “adorable” warmup- I want to warm up like an adult woman. On the other hand, I’m really liking Emma Lovewell’s core classes. I guess her personality just gels more with mine. Friday Core class #4 and then another three mile run. Saturday I did a 30 minute yoga flow and pull-ups, to complete all my “extra” activities for the week, leaving Sunday to just run- the way I like it! Sunday I purposely kept my other runs short this week because I knew I wanted to run longer today. My only running goal right now (other than to not aggravate my foot) is to be able to do a nice long run- ten miles?- on my birthday, coming up in March. Last week my “long” run was six miles, and today I went seven. Seven miles! That’s pretty long… right? One last thing- I’ve been THOROUGHLY enjoying the Olympics! I can’t remember ever liking the Winter Olympics this much. But they’re ending today, and now what am I supposed to do? No more football, no more Olympics… I’m not happy about this. I’ve never been into basketball, but I’m thinking I should try this year. Baylor has a pretty good team! I hope everyone had a great week! Did you like the Olympics? Any suggestions for something to fill the sports void now? Does the personality of the instructor make a big difference to you when you take a class?