March Coffee Date- Books and More

Hooray! It’s March. Even in Florida, February seems like a dull month. March is more fun because it’s my birthday month, and my son will be home tomorrow for spring break! But first… I’m linking up with Coco and Deborah for our monthly coffee date. I know there’s some heavy stuff going on in the world, but I’m going to keep it light (mostly) and talk about books, with a quick mention of our favorite subject- Covid- thrown in as well. Grab your drink and join me! I’ve been reading some good books lately, and one not-so-good. Chanel Miller’s book about her experience as a sexual assault survivor is beautifully written. The story unfolds a lot like you would expect- there weren’t a lot of surprises, but her writing made it a compelling read. I had high hopes for The Christie Affair, and I did enjoy it. But I think Nina de Gramont missed a huge opportunity. Since Agatha Christie is a character in this (fictional) story, I wish it had been written in true Christie style. The mystery was good, but I think the detective should have called everyone together and revealed the murderer in a stunning and shocking conclusion, a la Christie herself. That’s what I would have done! Okay. Camille Pagan’s book, Don’t Make Me Turn This Life Around, was mentioned favorably on a blog… I’m not saying which one, but YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE. I had a huge problem with this book, which is that I HATED the main character. I get that her life isn’t perfect- welcome to the club- but boy, was she a whiner. Her main complaint is her sex life. It seems that, after thirteen years of marriage and twin twelve-year-old daughters, things aren’t as magical and steamy as they were when she and her husband first met. Oh, really? How odd. I wondered if the author actually has any kids, so I looked at her bio. It does mention a family, but doesn’t specify what that “family” consists of. I’m guessing a tank of tropical fish. I will say it was a quick and easy read, and I did finish it because I was mildly curious to know how it ended. But I read it hating the main character all the way. Last up, Anthony Horowitz. I love his books! He writes fun, intelligent mysteries and I was excited to see this new one. This is the third one in this particular series, but he has many other books as well, including a couple featuring Sherlock Holmes. I can always rely on him, and I’m happily reading this one right now. Life is much more fun when you’re in the middle of a good book! Okay, let’s talk about Covid. Now that the CDC has issued new guidelines, masks are now OPTIONAL where I work. Which means… I can breathe again. I know everyone views Covid through their own lens. I have elderly clients who still prefer to wear a mask, and I don’t mind wearing one for their massage. I also have two co-workers who lost family members to Covid, and they’re still wearing their masks, which I completely understand. I’ll wear a mask around them whenever possible. But otherwise I’m taking it off and it feels so good. It’s nice to see people’s faces again! How about you- still wearing a mask at work, or not? Have you read anything great lately?