Weekly Rundown- Honesty is the Best Policy

Hello, and welcome to the Weekly Rundown, hosted as always by that dynamic duo, Kim and Deborah. This week is extra exciting because I’ll be giving a foot update. Actually I was being sarcastic there- I’m just as sick of talking about my foot as you are of hearing about it. When this is all over I never, ever want to talk about my left foot again. For now, we’re stuck with it. Here’s how the week went! Sunday Last week was so rocky, I wasn’t sure if I would do a “long” run or not. Last Sunday I did seven miles, and I decided to split the difference- still cut back a little but run longer than my usual weekday runs. I ran six miles and it felt good- for the most part (we’ll get to that later.) Monday I started the week feeling encouraged. I did the first class from week 3 of the Peloton Cush Your Core 2 program, and also a 30 minute yoga flow. So far, so good! Tuesday First thing in the morning I did a three mile run, followed by the second core class. Later in the day I did a lower body Peloton strength class. Since I’ve temporarily gone off of Jess Sims, I picked a new instructor at random, and did a 20 minute glutes and legs strength class with Adrian Williams. This class TRASHED MY LEGS, and I’m pretty sure it was from the plyometrics. I usually avoid plyos, but for some strange reason on this day I decided to throw caution to the wind- what could possibly go wrong? Ha. I followed this class with a 10 minute stretch class with Chase, which felt good but did nothing to prevent raging DOMS the next day. Wednesday Well, ouch. I started the day with another 30 minute yoga flow, which also did nothing for the DOMS. In my experience, there’s really nothing that helps other than waiting for it to go away. Later in the day I did core class #3, and worked on my pull-ups. Okay… here’s the foot update. It was feeling better, but in the last couple weeks it’s been hurting again, mainly along the outside edge. I had another appointment with the podiatrist for a shockwave treatment and he said it’s the “lateral column” of my foot- basically an issue with the connective tissue, which can go along with plantar fasciitis in people who have my type of foot (high arch and supinate when I run.) He focused the treatment only on that lateral column, and still feels confident he can solve the problem. So here’s the thing… my doctor says it’s fine to run during treatment, but he told me to keep my runs between 3-5 miles. While I was doing that it was feeling better. But I really had my heart set on running ten miles on my birthday, so I’ve been increasing my long runs. And, my foot is worse. This is so hard for me to say, because I really, really wanted to do that run on my birthday. I just miss long runs so much. But I haven’t been honest with myself (or my doctor, for that matter.) My foot just isn’t ready to go long yet, and I have to accept it. Wanting something badly doesn’t make it happen, and just because it’s my birthday, my foot isn’t magically going to be 100% healed on March 21st. I’m going back to my schedule of running every other day and keeping the runs between 3-5 miles. I’ll still do my birthday run… later. I’ll have a birthday make-up run as soon as I can. Sigh. Thursday Oof, this was a crazy day! My daughter had an early morning jazz band performance, and then after school she had MPA (Music Performance Assessment) where both of the middle school bands played. She plays in both bands (tenor sax in one and flute in the other) and I went to hear the performances after work. The bands did great and got Superior ratings- their band director is amazing. We got home very late and very happy. All I was able to do was a three mile run in the morning. I remember a time when all I did was run- now it seems weird to ONLY run. But I’m not complaining! Friday I was dragging this morning. I did the fourth core class of the week, and a 30 minute yoga flow. And it was my husband’s and my 22nd wedding anniversary! Boy… we’ve been married a long time. We tried to go out to dinner at a quiet little place near us, but discovered they had closed down. We ended up going to a place in an area with a very active nightlife. I wasn’t sure I was up for it, but it ended up being really fun. There were a ton of people out, and all sorts of new places have opened up lately, like a bowling alley and pool hall. And, there was some sort of craft fair going on with people selling thing like soap, coffee, crystals… we walked around after dinner and during the whole evening, I didn’t see one mask. It seems that Covid is over in Florida? Saturday Five mile run! My foot hurt when I first woke up- as it has almost every day for the past two years- but by the end of the run it was feeling good. I think it was telling me it was happy, knowing I was taking care of it properly (what? Your foot doesn’t talk to you? How odd.) After the run I did the last core class of the week. Is it just me, or did these classes get harder? There were definitely some times this week where I was peeking at the time and thinking “when is this going to be over???” I had every intention of doing a strength class after work, but ended up cleaning