Midweek Mashup

Oh, hi there! Is it just me, or does it feel like a weird week? Maybe it’s because of the time change, or maybe it’s because my daughter has spring break so we’re out of our normal school routine. Whatever it is, I’m embracing it. It feels like a slight pause in the middle of regular life, and a pause can be nice. Here’s what’s going on right now: Still Reading… The Choice, a memoir by Edith Eva Eger. Her story continues to be fascinating. After being liberated from the nazis, she came to America where- guess what?- life was no picnic either. People were SO MEAN to the immigrants! It’s heartbreaking- why couldn’t people just be nice? Of course, no one knew she was an Auschwitz survivor, but that’s just a reminder to always be extra kind to everyone you meet- you never know what they’re going through. This is an amazing book. Dreaming about… A trip this summer. In The Choice, Edith tells how her family moved from Baltimore- where they were treated terribly- to El Paso, Texas. She describes El Paso as having a more European feel, and says it was a city welcoming to immigrants. Until this year, Texas was a state I never thought about visiting. But now that my son goes to school there, I’m much more interested in it. Now I’m finding myself googling “Things to do in El Paso” and “Vegan restaurants in El Paso.” Yes, there are vegan food options, and there’s lots of museums, including a Holocaust museum. Who knew? My family has no idea I’m secretly plotting a trip to El Paso, and frankly I doubt it’ll go over well. After our trip to Austin last summer, my daughter announced she never wants to go to Texas in the summer again. So… we’ll see. I can dream though. Planning… A St Patrick’s Day dinner. Every year I make soda bread, and we never like it. Then when March rolls around again I start seeing recipes for soda bread and think “that sounds good!” So I’ll probably be making soda bread, ha ha (“live and don’t learn” is one of my mottos.) I’m considering a vegan Irish stew to go with it, and am contemplating drinking a beer. I LOVE beer, but I rarely drink it anymore. I would probably enjoy the first three sips, and then feel tipsy and bloated. Maybe I’ll have an Olipop root beer instead. Enjoying… Some extra yoga this week. My left hip is feeling achy- not sure how that happened. It didn’t hurt when I ran today (phew) but during the rest of the day it’s letting me know it’s not happy. So… yoga! Last week I only did one class, but now that my son is gone and I have my yoga studio back, I’ve been doing yoga every day. My whole body feels so good after a yoga class. And finally… I’m sleeping in tomorrow! I don’t have work, it’s not a running day, and my daughter doesn’t have school, so I can sleep till 8:00. Sometimes I have trouble sleeping at night, but I never have trouble sleeping from 6am-8am (the hours I’m usually up and running around.). I’m going to enjoy those two extra hours to the fullest! How about you? Does this week feel different to you? Are you planning a trip this summer? Any plans for St. Patrick’s Day?