Weekly Rundown- Twists and Turns

One good thing about turning the clocks ahead is that some of us got a “full moon” run in the morning! Other than that I’m not a fan of DST- but what’s done is done. My daughter had spring break this week so we were able to sleep a little later, so that helped. I’m linking up as always with that lovely pair, Kim and Deborah for this rundown. There were some twists this week- just the universe keeping life interesting! Let’s get to it. Sunday This was a weird morning. We turned the clocks ahead, I had to get up hella-early to get my son ready for his flight back to school, and we had a one-day cold front blow through. After my husband and son left for the airport (thank you for driving, husband!) I went for a five mile run. Yes, it was 50 degrees and I wore a hat and gloves. I don’t care what anyone says! It was dark and windy when I started, and I needed them. Everything felt completely fine on this run, but later in the day I went to do some side planks, and found that my left hip was super sore. What the…??? This sore left hip became the theme of the week. Monday Yoga is what I need! I did a 45 minute yoga class with my Peloton bff, Denis Morton. This class felt great, but my hip was just cranky all day long. Sigh! Tuesday Three mile run! Phew- running didn’t hurt my hip, but I was afraid to do any strength training- even core. I was cautious of anything that might strain that hip flexor. Later in the day I did another yoga class. Wednesday Lately I’ve been pairing a strength class with a shorter- 20 or 30 minute- yoga class. But since I was focusing more on yoga this week, I picked longer classes. I also had been avoiding classes with pigeon pose because I’m not good at it (ha ha! How stupid is that? I obviously need it!) I bit the bullet, chose this class and I LOVED it! We did my two favorite poses- warrior 3 AND half moon- with some great stretches at the end, including the dreaded pigeon. It wasn’t so bad. I also decided I couldn’t continue to avoid core, so I made my own core “class.” I set my timer for ten minutes and just did every move I could think of from the recent Crush Your Core program, that didn’t involve hip flexors. Voila- a hip-friendly core class. Thursday Another three mile run, and this one felt inexplicably… great! It definitely wasn’t the weather- it was 71 degrees and muggy at 7 am. But it was one of those runs where you feel like you’re flying along effortlessly. Love those runs. After the run I did my own core “class” again, and then later in the day I did pull-ups (or I should specify, my pre-pull-up work) and some lower body strength- I didn’t want to risk aggravating my hip, which was still bothering me, so I did my own thing with no weights. It worked and my hip was okay. Friday Another 45 minute yoga flow, and 10 minutes of core. Instead of avoiding pigeon pose, I’m embracing it and guess what? It’s getting easier. Who knew? Saturday An early morning five mile run! Followed by ten minutes of core. In other news, it might be time to seriously re-think my sleep schedule. Normally I don’t have an issue being tired at work, because my job is pretty active. But today I had a client who wanted the last 20 minutes of his massage on his scalp and face. I was sitting down at this point, the room was dark, the music was slow and soothing…. my client fell asleep… oh, that’s good, he must really need to relax… it’s warm in here… I’m starting to get hungry… oatmeal would be good… that bowl of oatmeal looks good… I think I’ll introduce myself to it… WAIT- WHAT???. Did I just fall asleep while giving a massage and have a dream about introducing myself to a bowl of oatmeal? Yes…. I did. Luckily my client didn’t notice, since he was sleeping himself. You might think this little nap would have pepped me up, but it left me feeling groggy and disoriented. I only had one more massage after that one, which was a good thing. After work I came home and ate- what else- a bowl of oatmeal! And then took a nap on the couch- the CORRECT location for a nap. Sunday On tap for today- an hour yoga class and some strength training. It’s my Birthday Eve! I see some lasagna and a glass of wine in my future. Have you ever fallen asleep at work, or in another inappropriate place? Any strange dreams lately? If you do yoga, what’s your favorite pose?