Weekly Rundown- It’s All Good!

Welcome to the Weekly Rundown! As if to make up for the fact that March has whizzed past, this week seemed really looooooong. I’m linking up as always this Sunday with Kim and Deborah. Let’s just see how this week went… Sunday This was the day before my birthday, and until a few weeks ago I had planned to do a long run to the beach on this day. But I came to my senses and realized my foot couldn’t handle such a run. Instead, I woke up and did a 60 minute yoga class (all classes this week were on Peloton- yoga with Denis Morton as always!) That felt good, but as the day went on I started to feel pretty blah. In the afternoon I decided I needed to get outside and get moving. “Motion is the Potion”, right? The magic potion to cure a low mood. I got out for a two mile walk, and then came home and did a 10 minute core class. Much, much better. Monday March 21st- it’s my birthday! I did a 3.21 mile run in honor of the occasion. Then, goaded on by Kim, I did a 3 minute, 21 second plank. But! I took two breaks during that time. As Coco said, “I might be able to hold a 3+ minute plank, but I certainly don’t want to.” Ha ha… well put, Coco. Kim was a beast and DID hold a 3.21 minute plank though!!! Tuesday I have a new favorite Peloton instructor for strength classes- Ben Alldis. I did one of his 20 minute glutes and legs strength classes, and then a 5 minute core class. Later in the day I did a 30 minute yoga flow, focused on lower body. My left hip is still a little cranky. Sometimes I feel it in my hip flexor and sometimes pain shoots all the way down the side of my leg. But it’s not keeping me from running, so I’m just going about my workouts normally, with a little more focus on yoga. Wednesday Started the day with a 3 mile run! Every running day is a good day. After the run I did a 10 minute core class with Ben, and then Denis’s 10 minute hip focus flow. This is a great stretch for your hips- my only complaint is that he runs out of time on the left side for pigeon. I just keep holding the pose while he ends the class. Later in the afternoon I did my pull-up work- assisted pull-ups with a band, and “negatives”- I pull myself up with the band, then slip my leg out of the band and lower myself down, very slowly. These are KILLERS. Thursday Started the morning with a 45 minute yoga flow, which felt great. I fully intended to do a core class after work, but I completely forgot. Thursdays are weird. Friday Ah, speaking of weird days. My daughter’s school band went on a trip to Universal, and she had to get up at 4:30 am. It was one of those restless nights where I was afraid we were going to oversleep, so I probably got about… three or four hours of sleep? Arg. After getting her to school and onto the bus, I went back to bed. I woke up a couple hours later and did a 20 minute yoga flow before heading to work. Definitely not my usual Friday morning! After work I did a 3 mile run and a 10 minute core class. I’m normally a morning runner, but I do like these late afternoon runs! So, having my daughter gone overnight gave me a taste of what it will be like when both kids are out of the house… and I didn’t like it ONE BIT! Luckily we have five more years before we’re empty nesters. I’m not looking forward to it. Saturday Before work I did my pull-up routine, and then later in the afternoon I did a 20 minute glutes and legs class with Ben Alldis, and then one of his 10 minute core classes. After that I felt like I needed a good stretch, so I did Denis’s 10 minute hip focus flow again. Sunday On tap for the day is a five mile run! We’re so, so lucky to be getting a beautiful cooldown for a few days- nights down to the 50s, days in the 70s, and low humidity. It’s truly a gift this late in the year, and I can’t wait for my run. How was your week? Were you able to get outside as much as you wanted? Those of you with older kids… what’s is like being an empty nester! – Please tell me it’s not too sad!