Weekly Rundown-The Long Week

Did anyone else feel like this week was extra long, or is it only me? It wasn’t a bad week-it just felt like I was moving in slow motion. I’m linking up as always with Kim and Deborah for this weekly rundown. Let’s see how it went! Sunday Trail run! I decided to run a little further than I have been lately, so I went six miles. The weather was beautiful and I just wanted to enjoy myself. This run made me feel so good. And it didn’t seem to affect my foot one way or the other. Which is to say that it still hurts. But it doesn’t always hurt- sometimes it feels pretty good. And sometimes it feels horrible. Screw it! I’m done. I’m just going to start running more and see what happens. Monday The only thing I did this day was a 10 minute core class. I’m continuing to rotate through Ben Alldis’s core classes on Peloton. I’ve done almost all of them, and when that happens I’ll probably just start all over again. Tuesday 3 mile run! And another 10 minute core class. Wednesday I felt like my week got off to a light start, strength-wise, so today I tried to make up for it. I did a 20 minute lower body strength and then a 10 minute core class with Ben Alldis (obviously) and then pull-ups (assisted, with a band. Maybe in ten years or so if I keep this up I’ll be able to do one unassisted pull-up!) Later in the day I did Denis Morton’s Soul yoga flow class. Thursday Another 3 mile run and 10 minute core class. I was treated to a beautiful sunrise on this run! Weird question- does anyone else get a really sore neck while doing core classes? Whenever there’s a move where I’m on my back and lifting my head off the ground, I really feel like I’m straining my neck muscles. The muscles in my neck tire much quicker than my core. Does anyone else have this? I do have a pretty long neck- does that make it harder to hold my head up? Are my neck muscles just super weak? Why would they be that weak? What’s going on here? Friday Another 20 minute lower body strength and 10 minute core class with Ben. I meant to do pull-ups after work, but ended up taking an extra-long nap instead (oops.) My neck needed the extra rest. Just kidding. Saturday I really wanted to do another trail run this week, but I also wanted to be home with my daughter on Easter. My husband is working and my son is at school, so I wasn’t going to leave my daughter alone to go out running around on trails. I work on Saturday mornings so it’s not feasible to do a trail run- I’m not getting out there in the dark with the wild pigs! I just ran five miles on my usual route. Sunday Happy Easter! By now, you know I’m the type of person who still gives my kids Easter baskets. My son got his in the mail (well, it was an Easter BOX) but my daughter still wakes up and has to hunt for hers. It’s come to my attention that I only did yoga ONCE this week, and I also only did pull-ups once- so both of those will probably happen at some point in the day. And… I’m playing hooky from work tomorrow (kind of- I’m going in on a different day to make up the hours) so I can watch the Boston Marathon! I can’t wait! How’s your weather this week? –I remember growing up (near Chicago) we sometimes had snow on Easter! Are you going to watch the Boston Marathon?