Weekly Rundown- Feeling Thankful

Hello and welcome to the weekly rundown, hosted as always by our friends Kim and Deborah.  There are lots of things I love about these weekly rundown posts- one is that it holds me accountable.  Sometimes if I don’t feel like doing a workout- oh, let’s say core, for example- I’ll think about how I’ll feel when I’m writing the weekly rundown and have to admit I was lazy.  That usually motivates me to do it. I also love reading about everyone else’s workouts!  I get so many good ideas from this online community.  I got excited about trail running from Wendy, motivated to race more by Darlene (just to name a couple) and of course inspired by many others to get the Peloton app.  Not to mention all the great advice I get in the comments here- I could go on and on. Thanks, ladies! Now on to the week… Sunday Ah, such a great run!  I did a new loop that took me from my house to a trail, and then circled back home.  I was thinking it would be around seven miles, but when my watch beeped seven I was still a mile from home.  I assessed the foot situation and all was well, so I continued on to make it an eight mile run.  I loved it. Monday I took it easy today with a 30 minute yoga flow class.  Like all my yoga classes, this was on Peloton with Denis Morton. Tuesday Started the day with a 3 mile run, followed by a 10 minute core class.  In other news, I got a new Garmin (my old one died a couple weeks ago) so I can now see just how slowly I’m running, ha ha. Wednesday I was looking for a harder lower body strength class.  I’ve been doing 20 minute classes, so I upped it to a 30 minute class.  My usual guy, Ben Alldis, doesn’t have any 30 minute classes so I took a chance on Matty Maggiacomo.  I also used 15 pound dumbbells (I had been using 10 pounders.) Well, I got what I wanted- a hard class. I also did a 10 minute core class and then pull-ups (assisted with a band.) Good strength day! Thursday As expected, I was sore today- but in a good way.  I was happy that my hamstrings and glutes were sore- that’s where I really want to get stronger.  Sometimes if I do a class with a lot of squats, I end up with really sore inner thighs.  I already feel like my inner thighs are too tight- if anything I want to loosen them up, and strengthen the other muscles.  So I was happy with my sore glutes and hamstrings! I did a 3 mile run, and in this run tried to figure out what in the world my 5 mile race pace would be.  I’m running a 5 mile race on Mother’s Day and I have no idea what to expect.  In addition to my recent lack of speed work, I think the last time I did a 5 mile race was…. 20 years ago? I tried to gauge my “tempo” pace, and came up with around 9:15 (figuring that a tempo pace is a fast-ish pace that you can hold for about an hour.)  A five mile race would be a little faster than that, but then it’ll probably be hotter on race day, so who knows.  At least I have a vague idea where to start. Followed this run with another 10 minute core class. Friday Lately I’ve been running every other day, but I’m at the point where I want to run every Sunday now.  So I either have to take two days off in a row, or run two days in a row somewhere.  I decided to just do a short 2 mile run, followed by a Strength for Runners class on Peloton. My new Garmin suggested that I run this recovery run at a 14 minute mile pace.  WHAT?  I mean I’m slower these days but not THAT slow.  I can see this watch and I are going to need an adjustment period. Saturday I did a 45 minute yoga class which I’ve done once before- it has some hard balance poses and I love it. After work I did a 10 minute core class.  All the rest of my core classes this week were with Ben Alldis, but this time I just picked the first core class that came up, which was Rebecca Kennedy from 4/29/22.  OUCH.  Ben eases us slowly into his classes with a two minute warmup and activation, but Rebecca started right in- this was a good, hard class.  I like picking core classes at random- if they’re harder, great. A little easier, also great.  Any core class is  better than sitting on the couch eating pretzels, which is what I wanted to do after work. Sunday On tap for today- another trail run.  In my last post I “runfessed” that I’ve been taking Advil before my longer runs, and some people seemed to think this was not a great idea.  Okay, okay… I don’t think taking one Advil before one run a week is doing a lot of harm, but on the other hand it’s probably not doing much good either.  So why risk it- I’ll probably skip it for this run and see how it goes! How was your week?  Are you racing on Mother’s Day?