Weekly Rundown- Not Like Other Weeks

Hello and welcome to the Weekly Rundown, hosted as always by Kim and Deborah. This week started off normally, but mid-week I traveled to Chicago to see my sister! I haven’t seen her in over two years, so it was amazing to be with her and her husband again. HOWEVER… This presented a challenge, workout-wise. My sister and her husband don’t run, do yoga, lift weights, or own any exercise equipment. They enjoy walking, working in the yard, and taking the occasional bike ride. They eat delicious food and are both a normal weight. They don’t wish they could run, or walk farther or faster, or that they were stronger. They’re happy just the way they are. I know- it’s baffling. Knowing this, I tried to frontload my workouts to the beginning of the week as much as possible, and planned to adopt a “when in Rome” attitude once I got to my sister’s. Well, more like “When in Rome, do as the Romans do, assuming Romans like to run.” Let’s just see how it all worked out! Sunday 4 mile run! I was super happy to complete this run with no shin pain. Monday It was yoga Monday- plus a couple bonus workouts. I did a chest and back strength class with Matty (all classes on Peloton and Matty is my favorite strength instructor right now) and a core class. Tuesday I started the morning with a glutes and leg strength class (with Matty of course!) and a core class, with a 2 mile run in between. Wednesday Wednesdays are my day off from work, so I figured I would squeeze in the next four days’ worth of workouts. What? It doesn’t work like that? Oh, darn. I started the morning with a 3 mile run… … and then did an arms and shoulders strength class (hello again, Matty!) and another core class. Thursday Leave for Chicago!!!! But first… I got in one last strength class, my favorite glutes and legs class with Matty. And, yes… core. Friday One extra little thing- it is HILLY in the Chicago area! At least, compared to South Florida where it’s completely, totally flat. In my sister’s neighborhood I feel like I’m always running up or down a hill. No wonder they get a workout from walking! My sister calls their hilly walks “butt walking” because you use your glutes so much. I went out for a 3 mile “butt run.” In the afternoon we went BLUEBERRY PICKING!!! That’s something we can’t do in Florida. We spent the afternoon at the blueberry farm- we picked blueberries, took a break for a picnic lunch, then picked some more. We kept popping blueberries into our mouths while we picked, and I thought of the line from Willy Wonka: “Violet, you’re turning violet, Violet!” I imagined myself turning into a gigantic blueberry. Saturday I could say that I got up early and did a bodyweight strength class… a standing core workout… planks and pushups… but that would be a humongous lie. No, I slept late and then we made blueberry pancakes (obviously.) After a leisurely breakfast we went for a long walk, then in the afternoon went out for a beer, then home to grill fajitas for dinner. To be honest, I didn’t miss working out at all. Sunday On tap for today…. a hilly 5 mile run (wish me luck!) Then more blueberry pancakes (my sister and her husband have a lot of blueberries to get through) and then… flying back home to Florida. SIGH! It’s hard to have a vacation end. I know- I was right near Chicago and didn’t go into the city. I didn’t see the Art Institute or Wrigley Field. I didn’t go an an architecture river cruise or see The Bean. Other than the blueberry picking adventure, we hung out at my sister’s house, went for walks, watched movies, and talked and talked (and talked… I think her husband’s mind starts to spin at how much my sister and I can talk.) It was a great trip. How was your week? Did you do anything unusual? Have you ever been blueberry picking?