August Coffee Date! Back to School…

Well, that’s that! Remember the old days, when we all started school after Labor Day? My daughter goes back next Wednesday (the 10th.) Luckily she’s excited about it; I have mixed feelings. I’ll definitely be missing my leisurely mornings. Anyway, as always I’m linking with Coco and Deborah for this coffee date. And I have a few things to share! First of all, I haven’t been running this week in order to rehab my hamstring. Deprived of my drug of choice, I was in dire need of some retail therapy: I know. I know! It’s way too early! But… I actually love this time of year. Well, I love the holidays- Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas- but when it’s actually the holiday season sometimes it feels like it flies by too quickly. I enjoy this PRE-holiday season, where I can start to get excited, but everything is still far in the future. I also love this time of year because just a short distance from the Halloween display, you’ll see this: I’m a sucker for holiday decorations, but who wants to pay a lot of money for decorations you’ll only want to display for one or two days a year? I like to buy things like 4th of July decorations on clearance, and yes- I bought the red white and blue stars for $2. I also bought a mug (pictured above) from the “summer” clearance section, for $2. Fun shopping trip! On a more serious note, a client came in for a massage today double-masked. Before the massage, she asked me if all the sheets on the massage table were clean. I always have to laugh at this question. Of course they’re clean! Do I seem like the type of person who would leave DIRTY SHEETS on the table? For that matter, if I were the type of person to do that, what makes her think I would tell the truth about it? Anyway, she went on to explain that she’s afraid of monkeypox, which you can get “just by touching something.” OH FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! Don’t we have enough to worry about??? I want to say this is ridiculous, but the problem is, that’s what I said about Covid before it became a pandemic. What’s next- are we going to be wearing masks AND gloves everywhere? Sheesh. But let’s end on an uplifting note. Around this time last year, I wrote about my son’s college decision. Baylor was not his first choice- he got rejected from his dream school (after being given every reason to expect that he would be accepted- it’s a long story.) It was a huge disappointment for him, and although he didn’t really want to go to Texas, he settled on Baylor instead. He didn’t expect to, but he loved Baylor right from the start, and loved it more and more as the year went on. Now he’s super excited for his sophomore year, but I was never sure if he had any lingering regrets about missing out on the other school. I didn’t want to bring it up in case it was a sore subject, but just the other day he brought it up himself. He never really understood why he was rejected, and we agreed that we’ll probably never know. And then he said… “Wow, I’m so glad I didn’t get in.” You guys. This just filled me with joy. He’s so happy with how things turned out, he wouldn’t have it any other way. I remember when we were going through it last year, another mom told me a similar story about her son being rejected from his dream school and how he went on to LOVE the college he chose instead. That helped, so I’m passing this story along as well. If (when) your kid- or anyone you know, including yourself- has a big disappointment like that, just know that there’s often an even better option. Things work out for the best. How about you- do you get excited or annoyed when you see Halloween displays in August? Are you concerned about monkeypox? Those of you with college kids- was there any drama when deciding on a school?