Weekly Rundown- An Aggressive Rehab

SIGH. It was a sad, sad week with no running- but I really focused on getting that hamstring healthy again. I got a little more aggressive with my rehab, and switched from pool running to walking because I realized it was better for my mental health. Thanks as always to Kim and Deborah for hosting this weekly rundown. Here’s how it went! Sunday I started the day with a 50 minute pool run. As the day went on, my mood got darker and darker. I really was not in a good place, so before dinner I went out for a two mile walk. AHA! I felt much, much better. Getting outside and moving forward was exactly what I needed. Maybe pool running is better cross training cardio-wise, but I decided walking is the better choice for me, mentally. Monday Operation “Fix That Hamstring Now”, Day 1. I started off with a 10 minute core class and a 10 minute barre class, then did lower body weights. I didn’t do any lower body Peloton classes this week because I felt like I needed to be more specific with the exercises I chose. I did hamstring curls by tying a weight to my lower leg, then lay on my stomach on the bed and lifted my foot towards my butt. I started with five pounds just to make sure I wasn’t hurting anything, then switched to ten pounds. It was kind of a clunky setup, but it worked. And then I did squats with my 35 pound dumbbell. This was a weight increase for me (when I do the Peloton workouts I’ve been using two 15 pound dumbbells) and it felt good. I know, I know… if I were at the gym that’s not even the weight of the bar. I’m getting there! Tuesday Once again I started the day with a 10 minute barre class and 10 minute core class. THEN I walked 3 miles. I have to admit when I started my leg was a little achy, but once I got going everything felt great. After work I did a 15 minute arms and shoulders workout with my favorite Peloton instructor, Matty. Wednesday Started with barre and core again, then did my homemade hamstring curl routine. Followed by sumo squats and split squats- everything felt good. Thursday Once again started with a barre class- I’m on a barre streak!- and then a 3 mile walk. I planned to do another upper body strength class after work but I came home with a headache and took a nap instead. Leaving those workouts till later is always a tricky thing! Friday Do you know Bob and Brad? They’re the most famous physical therapists on the internet (in their opinion, of course.) They have all sorts of great Youtube videos. I first found them when I was looking for help with my plantar fasciitis, and I went back to see if they had any hamstring advice. They do! I watched one of their hamstring videos (they have many) and one of their exercises was very, very similar to the “Runners Touch” exercise which I’ve mentioned before. I started with Bob and Brad’s modified version, but by the third set I moved on to the full Runner’s Touch, which is GREAT for hamstrings, hips, and foot strength (because you’re balancing on one leg.) I always forget about the Runner’s Touch, and every time I come back to it I wonder why I don’t just do it all the time! Anyway, followed this with sumo squats, regular squats and split squats. I’m not really sure if my hamstring is better (I won’t know for sure until I try to run) but I’m definitely getting some good glutes and leg workouts this week. Oh, and I also did core and barre. Saturday Well, I slept in and broke my barre streak. I work on Saturday mornings so if I sleep in till 7:30, that means I’m not working out. But! After work I declared it an Upper Body Emergency- it’s hard for me to really care much about upper body, but I know I need it and I had only done one short workout this week. So I did another one of Matty’s arms and shoulder classes, followed by core. Sunday The big day! I’m going to try running. Everything feels good, but in my experience that can be deceiving. I won’t really know until I start running. Hopefully it will go well, but if you don’t hear anything from me you’ll know I’m spending the day in my room, sobbing quietly. Fingers crossed! If you feel like sharing it, how heavy are your weights for lower body? – Years ago when I worked with a trainer, I was lifting in the gym with plates on the bar. Not anything extremely heavy, but heavier than I’m doing now. I’m thinking I need to get back to that. Do you like walking? – I never used to, but I’ve really been appreciating my walks lately.