Weekly Rundown- Slowing Down

Well, this week was… special. One major glitch, but in the end it’s all good. Thanks as always to Kim and Deborah for hosting the weekly rundown- let’s get right to it! Sunday I felt like I was still recovering from my big trip to Texas. I did a 4 mile run but if I recall correctly, there were a few walk breaks in there to accommodate my still-healing hamstring. Monday The week started off with a bang… literally. I had a stack of Peloton classes on tap, and my daughter had an early morning rehearsal before school. I did a 10 minute barre class, and then Matty’s “lunge-a-palooza” glutes and legs strength- the first time I’ve done this class in weeks, due to my hamstring issue. Then I took a break to take my daughter to school, planning to come back and do my core and upper body class. Except… I got into a car accident. Or I should say, I CAUSED a car accident. Luckily no one was injured- but it was at a very busy intersection, and I somehow did not see the other car as I was trying to turn left. Here’s my car: The other person’s car had about the same amount of damage. She was really shaken up, and I felt TERRIBLE. After waiting for the police and all that, I was very fortunate to be able to drive my car the short distance home, where I had just enough time to shower and call an Uber so I could get to work. Fun day. Tuesday Okay, let’s try this again. I did the core and upper body strength class from yesterday, followed by a 3 mile run. This run was remarkable in that it was the most “normal” run I’ve had since hurting my hamstring. And then I rode my bike to work! Funny story- a couple months ago, when we got my son his car, our auto insurance went through the roof. In order to get the monthly payments down, we dropped the collision coverage on my car and my husband’s car. Sooo, since I was at fault in this accident, our insurance will pay for the damage to the other person’s car, but not ours. And obviously no one is paying for a car rental. When I got to work, windblown and sweaty (but strangely exhilarated) I was explaining the situation to my co-worker and he said, “Let me get this straight- you dropped your collision insurance and then decided to crash into someone?” Er… yes. That just about sums it up! Wednesday Today my husband rode his bike to work so I could drive his car. Yes, looking on the bright side, we’re getting a lot more exercise! I started the day with Marcia’s Cardio Barre Workout-which has ten minutes of barre and ten minutes of core- and then did my favorite 30 minute glutes and legs strength class with Matty. Thursday Ah, crazy day. My husband couldn’t ride his bike to work because he had a presentation to make at night, and he had to wear a suit. I needed the car to get my daughter to and from school, myself to and from work, my daughter to an event at night AND myself to the “meet the teacher” night at her school. I really think it was inconsiderate of people to schedule all these things on the same night when we only have one car. Between driving my husband to work and driving my daughter to school, I only had time in the morning for a quick core class. But! I had a free hour from 4;30-5:30 p.m. so I decided to go for a run. In this post I wrote about my struggle with and ultimate decision to try Galloway’s run-walk method, and this was the perfect time to try it out… because it was HOT. 4:30 pm is not the ideal time for a South Florida run in August. It was 93 degrees, the humidity was high, and in short it felt like I was running on the surface of the sun. For that reason, I was actually happy to take the walk breaks. I did intervals of 4 minutes running/30 seconds walking. I thought such a short walk interval would be annoying, but actually I can see how it would work. The walk break is so short, it doesn’t seem like a huge interruption to the run. For this particular run, it worked well. Friday A more “normal” day- at least, in our world. My husband set off happily on his bike, and I did a barre class, a core class, and an upper body strength class. Saturday I forgot to mention that after my run on Tuesday, my hamstring was achy again. It wasn’t a sharp or pulling sensation, just a generalized ache. God, I hate hamstring issues- they take forever to go away. I did a barre class and then another 30 minutes glutes and legs strength class with Matty. Then I did “Runners Touch” exercise. This helps me SO MUCH. I can’t figure out why I don’t do it all the time. I’ll do it for a while and then forget about it. It really works the glute medius, and helps my hamstrings as well. Followed this with a quick core class. Sunday On tap… a longer run using the Galloway method. I’ve figured out how to program the intervals into my watch (victory!) and we’ll see how it goes. So… things are looking up. My car is in the shop and we hope to get it back this week. It’s painful to have to pay for the repairs, but when I think of what could have happened… it’s only money. My daughter, the other driver and I are all okay and I’m taking this as a warning. Driving in this area is crazy (we’re trying to request that the intersection be made into a school speed zone because it’s so