My Favorite Peloton Classes

I feel like there should be a sub-title: “… For What It’s Worth.” I’m definitely not the Peloton expert! You’d have to turn to Kim or Deborah for that. Those ladies take a LOT of classes, and are full of Peloton knowledge. I shopped around a bit until I found some favorites, and now I stick with those. But I always think it’s fun to hear what classes other people like, so I’m sharing mine! Core I have a 5 minute go-to core class that I take several times a week: There’s no warmup and no breaks, and my abs are always burning at the end. As a matter of fact I’ve taken some longer classes that didn’t give me that same burn, which is why I return over and over to this one. It’s also easy to convince myself to do it after a run, when I don’t feel like doing core. It’s only five minutes, so no excuses! (The only downside is this class has ruined the song “Sweet Dreams” by the Eurythmics for me. Now if I hear that song anywhere else, my abs reflexively start to clench.) If I can talk myself into doing a 10 minute core class, I do this one: Basically the same format as Rebecca’s 5 minute class, but she does give you a little break at the 7 minute mark. Barre I have two barre classes I rotate between: Because I frequently use barre for a warmup before I run, I like the standing classes. In addition to warming up my glutes, I feel like it gives my lower legs and feet a little warmup as well. The class from 3/4/22 is entirely standing, while the class from 2/22/21 has a couple minutes at the end where you’re lying on the floor. But in that one she does a variation on a glute bridge that I really like. Glutes and Leg Strength My boy, Matty! I know- he swears (a little), talks about dirty martinis, and instructs you to walk in a straight line “like you just got pulled over.” You may not want to take his classes if there are small children around. But I love his strength classes. My #1 favorite is: The thing I love about Matty is, he sticks to the basics- squats, deadlifts and lunges. This class is HARD, especially if you do the plyometrics. If you don’t want to do the plyos, he offers options. If I don’t want to do a 30 minute class, I like Matty’s “Lunge-a-Palooza” class: i This class is all lunge variations. I really love lunges because in addition to glutes and legs strength, they require some balance and foot and lower leg strength as well. If you like lunges, this is the class for you! Upper Body Ho ho. I really have to force myself to care about upper body, but I’ve gotten better lately. I like to take Matty’s shorter (15 or 20 minute) classes, and this is a good one: Once again, Matty sticks to the basics- biceps, triceps, and shoulders. Good class! Yoga Ah, Denis, how I miss you! One of these days I’ll do a separate post about my favorite yoga classes, but for now I’m on a yoga hiatus due to a wrist issue. I really miss it! I normally take Denis Morton’s classes- don’t worry Denis, I’ll be back. I do try different classes, but these are the ones I come back to the most. And obviously there are all sorts of classes I’m not taking- running, cycling, stretching, meditation… I really don’t have an interest in the run classes because I usually listen to podcasts while I run. But the classes I do take suit my purposely beautifully. Once again I’m linking up with Kim and Zenaida for their Tuesday Topics. Thanks, ladies! What are some of your favorite Peloton classes? If you do a program other than Peloton, what is it?