Weekly Rundown- At Least There’s Football!

What a week! It was our second full week without my car, and there’s no end in sight. When we called the bodyshop to check on progress we found out that THEY DON’T EVEN HAVE THE PARTS YET. The parts have been ordered, but not arrived (let me guess- it’s because of Covid.) This has caused us a lot of stress, but I guess that’s what I get for demolishing my car! At least there’s pumpkins, and football- I can’t really be unhappy this time of year. Oh yeah, and there were workouts, too! Thanks to Kim and Deborah for hosting the weekly rundown. Here’s how the week went! Sunday I ran 5 miles, hooray! To be very specific, I used Jeff Galloway’s run-walk-run intervals of 4 minutes running, 30 seconds walking and it worked really well for me. My hamstring is still really achy, and I’m positive I couldn’t have run five miles straight with it. Those short walking breaks were just enough time to reset everything so I could run another four minutes. Monday I woke up with a VERY achy hamstring. I picked two things that I thought would help it the most- Marcia’s Cardio Barre Workout. (which is ten minutes of lower body barre and ten minutes of core) and then three sets of Runner’s Touch exercise. Then I did a 10 minute arms and shoulders class on Peloton, which made me feel a little… underachieving.. I mean, it was a good class, but my arms need way more than 10 minutes. Whatever! Tuesday My hamstring was feeling better enough to do my favorite 30 minute glutes and legs class with Matty, followed by a short core class. That’s all I had time for because I had to drive my husband to work, then come home and take my daughter to school, then get myself to work. Grr. Wednesday I did a 3 mile run, again following the 4 minute/30 second intervals. Again my hamstring was achy but manageable. Followed this run with a 20 minute arms and shoulders class, and this time it left me nice and sore. That’s more like it! Thursday Okay, this is getting REALLY old. Again I had to drive my husband to work, then came home for the second round of chauffeuring, and work. I only had time for a 10 minute barre and 5 minute core class. Later in the day I needed something else, so I did Marcia’s class again which is… barre and core. Well, I guess you can never have enough of those! Friday Running! I need running! Again, I ran 3 miles using the run-walk intervals and I could tell that things were better- my hamstring wasn’t looking forward to the walk intervals quite as much. Saturday I started this day with a 10 minute core class, then a newer 20 minute glutes and legs class with Matty that I hadn’t taken before. Followed this with Runners Touch- funny how hard this one is when my legs are already tired from a workout. Then I had a lovely bike ride… to work. In addition to everything else, my husband’s car had a slow leak in one tire. We just kept stopping to fill it all week but he finally decided he HAD to get it fixed. So I was on my bike! I had fantasies of doing another upper body class later in the day, but after work and the bike ride home, I was done. The good news is, my husband’s tire was easily fixed. The way things are going, I half expected them to say they had to order a new tire from Finland or something. But no- we have his car back again, phew. And then it was time for FOOTBALL! The first game of the season! Baylor won by so much, my husband started rooting for the other team because he felt bad for them. It wasn’t an exciting game, but it was great to see Baylor win. Their new quarterback is a superstar! Sunday On tap for today… a longer run. 5 miles? 6 miles? We’ll see what the hamstring says! I think it’s going to feel pretty good. So it was… a week. I know one thing- when I get my car back, I’ll REALLY appreciate having it! And I’ll never, ever crash it again. Are you starting to feel some fall weather? – We’ll be in the 90s here for quite a while yet. What was the highlight of your week? – Mine was the start of college football.