Weekly Rundown- The Garmin Doesn’t Lie

Well… not my favorite week. My daughter (or rather, her hormones) decided to go berserk, and although I know it’s just a phase, it’s not really fun to have someone angrily criticizing you all the time. Meanwhile, our car woes continue- now my husband’s car is in the shop, and they’re telling us he needs a new hybrid battery (to the tune of $5500.) I’m starting to think the universe is trying to tell us something… maybe join an Amish community and drive a horse and buggy from now on? I like horses. On top of all this- or maybe because of it- I couldn’t seem to get a decent night’s sleep. Every night before I went to bed I thought, “I’m too tired to work out tomorrow. I just want to sleep in.” But then I figured I would feel even worse if I didn’t exercise, so I just got up and did it anyway. At this point I’m sure you’re pretty excited to hear about this thrilling week of workouts, so let’s get into it! Thanks as always to Kim and Deborah for hosting. Sunday I’m slowly working my way through Caroline Girvan’s Iron Series on Youtube. There are 30 workouts in the series, and I do one on the days I don’t run. This was Day #7, shoulders and triceps. Another good, hard workout. Monday After a very brief (and slight) cool down following Hurricane Ian, our heat and humidity are back! The humidity is especially overwhelming. I did a 3 mile run- I’m still “jeffing,” doing run/walk intervals of 4 minutes running/30 seconds walking. And oh yes- my hamstring is still achy. But the glute issue from last week is gone, so I’m happy. Any running is better than no running. Tuesday Day #8 of Caroline Girvan was a glutes and hamstrings workout. My hamstring aches during the deadlifts, but I think it’s helping more than it’s hurting. At least that’s what I’m telling myself! Good workout. Wednesday For a while I was trying to do my long runs on Wednesdays, but I now realize I was out of my mind. Wednesday is my day off, but I have to take my daughter to school. At that point it’s just too hot to start a long run. I’ll try that schedule again when our weather cools down, but for now I’m moving my long run back to Sunday. 4 mile run, followed by some crunches on the stability ball. When I was doing Peloton I would do a short core class on running days- now I just do some basic core moves on my own. Thursday Back to Caroline Girvan! Day #9 was a full body workout. While I was doing it I thought this one was a little easier- instead of focusing so much on one or two muscles groups, the misery- er, effort- is spread around the body. But Friday morning I woke up sore all over, so I guess it was harder than I thought! Friday Another 3 mile run followed by some core. I somehow managed to hit the sweet spot of the morning where the humidity dropped slightly but before the sun heated everything up too much. It felt good! Saturday Well, I finally decided to sleep in. I work Saturdays, so if I want to work out I have to get up pretty early… and I didn’t. Instead I slept for EIGHT HOURS. I seriously can’t remember the last time that happened. I had vague plans of doing Caroline Girvan later on, but, well… Yes, I ended up taking a nap on the couch with my cat. No regrets! I needed a day off. Sunday On tap…. a trail run! This is the first time I’ve actually been excited about a run or workout all week. It’s going to be a long(er) run of eight miles… or so. Maybe a little more if everything feels good. That’s the week! I’m hoping next week will be a little calmer, and my Garmin won’t tell me to do breathing exercises. Serenity now! Do you take a day (or days) off during the week?- I used to always do my long runs on Sunday and take Monday off, but somehow I’ve gotten away from that schedule. Does your Garmin warn you when your stress levels are high? – I’m not sure if I like this or not!