Halloween 2022… aka “Charlotte’s Big Day.”

Welcome to #NaBloPoMo2022! Thanks as always to our fearless leader, San. Check out her page for a list of bloggers participating! I’m a little sad Halloween is over. I love holidays, and this is my favorite time of year. I love Thanksgiving and Christmas too, but time slips by so quickly this time of year. I hate that one holiday is already over. We have a beautiful black cat, Charlotte, and we always joke that Halloween is her “big day.” In reality, she has no idea what’s going on and actually probably hates Halloween because of all the knocking at the door. But we persist! We like to call this one her terrifying Halloween pose: We have a black cat theme going on with our decorations. As a matter of fact I’m not allowed to buy any more Halloween decorations, unless it involves a black cat- then I can buy whatever I want. We adopted Charlotte about five years ago. Her foster mom named her “Selene” but my daughter had a friend with that name which seemed kind of awkward. So I told the kids they could choose whatever name they wanted…. and my daughter really, REALLY wanted to name her “Beyonce.” LUCKILY, my son absolutely refused to name our cat Beyonce. They argued about it for a while but he was adamant, and they eventually agreed on Charlotte. PHEW. You know how when you go to the vet, they call you in by your pet’s name? Every time that happens I imagine them calling out “Beyonce?” and how I would cringe as everyone looked on in amusement. Nowadays my son is in college and my daughter goes trick-or-treating with friends, and doesn’t want her picture on the internet. My days of cute costume photos are over! But here’s a flashback to second grade. At her school, instead of a “Halloween” party, they had a “Vocabulary Parade,” where everyone picked a vocabulary word and dressed accordingly. Time to put away the Halloween decorations and get ready for Thanksgiving! Do you celebrate Halloween? Do you decorate your house? Are you a cat person or a dog person? – We’ve always had cats.