Weekly Rundown- Oh, the Humidity!

Okay, seriously- it’s November.  We’re still seeing temperatures in the upper 80s, but worse than that is the humidity.  80 degrees and 95% humidity at 6 am?  Not cool, Universe.  But we persevered, because that’s what we do here in South Florida.  As always, I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for this weekly rundown.  I’m also joining San and a small army of NaBloPoMo-ers who are posting every day for the month of November.  Let’s just see how the week played out. Sunday I’m happy to report that my long run is back up to double digits!  I went to my favorite trail and got started as early as I could in an attempt to beat the heat… The plan was 10 miles and I went 10.5, only because it was hard to get back to the start at exactly 10 miles.  That’s okay- I’ll run an extra half mile! Monday Back to Caroline Girvan!  I’m working my way through her Iron Series on Youtube.  Last week I was babying a sore muscle on my side, around my ribs.  That still hurts, but I decided I had to get on with my life so I did Day #17, which was a complete upper body workout.  The only thing I had to modify were the tricep dips, but that’s okay- Caroline gives alternatives to those anyway, and this workout was still a tricep killer. Tuesday 3 mile run, followed by plyometrics and Planksgiving!  Okay, I’m not really doing Planksgiving.  There are all sorts of challenges going on this month, and all I’m doing is one forearm plank every day- and sometimes I can’t even remember to do that.  But I did it today, woohoo! Wednesday Since it was my day off, I dropped my daughter at school and continued on to the park to run on the trail there.  It was hot and humid at 8 am, but it was nice to run in the daylight and not have to rush.  I ran 5 miles and did my plyometrics in the park. After my run I did several errands, including going to VOTE! Thursday Back to Caroline Girvan- Day #18 was glutes.  In the beginning of this workout she explains that there would be some bodyweight exercises interspersed with the weights, and I thought, “Bodyweight!  That’s going to be too easy!”  Hahahahahaha… when will I learn not to underestimate Caroline Girvan?  Towards the end of this workout we were doing single leg hip thrusts, no weights, and I could not make it through the set- but Caroline also stops to rest during sets sometimes so I didn’t feel too bad. Friday Another 3 mile run that started in the pitch dark and ended as the sun was coming up.  Followed by plyometrics and plank! Saturday Off!  A day off on Saturday is still working out really well for me.  I get to sleep in a little, but then go to work where I’m pretty active so I don’t end up feeling too blah. Sunday On tap for today- no long run.  I decided to make this a cutback week.  Not that I’ve been running that much, but I have been steadily increasing my mileage and like to pull it back every once in a while.  Instead I’ll run 5 miles, then watch the NYC marathon.  In the afternoon we’ll be watching the Dolphins/Bears game and eating nachos (don’t forget it’s National Nachos Day!) and I also said I’d make a cake for my daughter.  Oh wait- I also have to take down the Halloween decorations- good thing we have that extra hour! So, it was a pretty good week.  I’m kind of bummed I only did two strength workouts, but in order for me to do three (or four) I need to double up with strength and running on some days, and there was too much else going on this week.  That’s okay- we start all over again tomorrow. How was your week?  Are you having unseasonably warm weather? Do you like turning the clocks back? – I love it, but will be complaining when we have to spring ahead!