December Coffee Date!

Hooray! It’s December! I have to admit I was pretty wiped out after completing NaBloPoMo, but of course I have to join Coco and Deborah for their monthly coffee date. Let’s take out our favorite holiday mugs, and get started! If we were having coffee (or tea) together, the first thing I would tell you about is my trip to the gym on Wednesday. I had my free session with a trainer, and… it was so annoying. He took me on a circuit of the machines- instead of free weights, so that I wouldn’t “hurt” myself- and made sure not to set anything too heavy, because he didn’t want me to be sore the next day. I could tell he assumed that, since I hadn’t been to the gym in 1,070 days, I was out of shape. I wanted to say, “Listen, buddy! I’ve been doing Peloton! I’ve been doing Caroline Girvan! Ever heard of her?” Then, at one point he exclaimed, “Wow, you’re stronger than you look!” What is THAT supposed to mean??? When we were done, he tried to give me the hard sell on a package of training sessions. Um… no, thanks. I’ll just continue to forge ahead on my own. Then I went and did what I really came there for, which was bench press and squats. Moving along! If we were drinking our Earl Grey out of festive mugs together, I would ask you how your holiday preparations are coming along. I had a big shopping trip on Wednesday where I bought wrapping paper, bows, candy canes, peppermint-scented hand soap, a present for the Secret Santa Mug Exchange (ooh! How exciting!) And… I couldn’t resist getting some holiday deodorant. I love Native deodorant, and was excited to find that they have small sizes of different holiday scents. I was considering the peppermint or the mistletoe, but then I thought I would live a little and get “spiked eggnog.” As I was applying it the next day, I thought that maybe it smelled a little… sickening. And guess what- the smell of it lingered all day. Turns out I don’t LIKE smelling like spiked eggnog. Who knew? I should have gone with the mistletoe. The last thing I would tell you is that I seem to have missed the Official Weekend for putting up outdoor lights. I think everyone in our neighborhood- everyone who puts up lights, that is- has them up already, except us. This is making me feel very anxious…. I know what I’ll be doing this weekend! Do you have your decorations up? Have you bought Christmas or Hanukkah presents yet? – I’ve bought three (if you count my Secret Santa present.) I better get moving!