Weekly Rundown- At Least There’s Still Football

Sigh! After such a fun and exciting week last week, this one felt a little blah. It wasn’t bad, but trail adventures and travels were replaced with things like trips to the dentist and extra hours at work. Oh well- football playoffs are keeping the excitement alive, for now. Thanks as always to Kim and Deborah for hosting the Weekly Rundown. Let’s get into it! Monday My son went back to school, which is always hard for me. Adding insult to injury, he left for the airport at 5 am. Luckily my husband LOVES going to the airport and will always drive people there and pick them up if he possibly can- so after saying goodbye, I went back to bed and slept for two more hours before getting ready for work. This meant I had to run later in the afternoon, but that’s okay- our cool and beautiful weather continued and this 4 mile run felt pretty good. Tuesday Gym day! I get done with work at 2 pm on Tuesdays, so I have time to go to the gym before going to pick up my daughter. It’s pretty funny how many ways I’ll try to convince myself not to go, though. I’m feeling tired- maybe I should go home and take a nap instead! (Ha- nice try.) Maybe I could go a different day… Friday? (No, you’re going today. Shut up.). It’s really hard to work out later in the day- but somehow I did it. It was leg day, which was grueling while I was there. But I felt great afterwards. Wednesday I started the day with a 4 mile run… and then took my daughter to school, went to the dentist, did my shopping, all the while arguing with myself, because it was push/pull day at the gym. Once again I didn’t want to go, but if I’m going to go to the gym, it really has to be Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Once I convinced myself to go and finished the workout, again I felt amazing. I just don’t have the equipment at home to work out as hard as I do at the gym. Hopefully next week I’ll remember this and won’t have to go through the mental gymnastics to get myself there! Thursday Caroline Girvan and I have some unfinished business, because I never finished her Iron Series. I had three workouts left, and I figured today was the perfect day to knock out Day #28, glutes. I HATE her glutes workouts- so many hip thrusts. But I can cross that one off- hooray. Friday After all that strength work, I did a 4 mile run that felt like a vacation. Saturday Day off! I worked in the morning and then settled down happily to watch football. I wish the Dolphins were still in it, but it’s also fun to watch when I don’t have a strong preference, and can just enjoy- hopefully- a close, exciting game. Sunday On tap- 16 mile trail run. My long runs are getting to the point where the distance is slightly scary. AND, after all our cool weather, the temperature and humidity are spiking up- by the end of this run it will be almost 80 degrees. (Seriously? Wasn’t it in the 40s last weekend???) Good thing I have my double bottle hydration vest. Do you prefer to work out first thing in the morning? If you do it later in the day, is it hard to convince yourself to do it? Are you watching football today? (Go Bengals!)