Weekly Rundown- Dodging Bullets

Well, another week! This one had a cutback in running miles, a blogger meetup, and my husband and I have continued our streak of never getting Covid at the same time. Thanks as always to Kim and Deborah for hosting the Weekly Rundown! Let’s just see how it all went down. Sunday 16 mile trail run! It was a little warmer than I would have liked for this run, but overall it was pretty good. My only issue was, as soon as I finished the run I got very nauseous. The same thing happened to me after my 15 mile run a couple weeks ago. Not sure what’s up with that- I may have to adjust my nutrition. I’ve been using gels which usually work just fine. Maybe I need to switch brands- i’m currently using GUs. Any suggestions? In other news, my husband had been feeling mysteriously fatigued for a couple days and had a slight fever. On Sunday night he took a Covid test which was, of course, positive. SIGH. Monday I did Caroline Girvan’s Iron Series Day #20 AGAIN- I think this is my third or fourth time doing this workout. It’s biceps, triceps, abs and core. I’m not that into all the focused arm work, but the core part is amazing. It’s just a good workout to do the day after a long run. Tuesday Here’s where things got dicey. I did a 3 mile run in the morning and had an alarming pain in my shin. It was probably a 3-4 out of 10 on the pain scale, but it was persistent. I didn’t like the feel of it ONE BIT. In the afternoon I went to the gym for leg day! Good workout, but… By this point I was convinced that at any moment I was going to get Covid, with a bonus shin injury. Then I thought about a book we used to read when my daughter was little. In it, Winnie the Pooh has convinced his friends to go on a picnic, but when they get there everyone is concerned about ominous-looking clouds in the sky. They keep saying it’s going to rain, and finally Winnie the Pooh says “Rain isn’t rain until it falls from the sky in drops. Until then, we might as well have fun.” Well put, Winnie! I resolved to go on with my week as if everything was going to be fine. Wednesday In the morning I went to the gym for push/pull day, and in the afternoon met up with Cari! Even though I felt perfectly fine, we stayed outdoors just to be on the safe side. It was a warm, beautiful day and we sipped iced teas and went for a walk. Fun meetup! Thursday Now I had a decision to make. It should have been a running day, but I wanted to give my shin a rest. I thought about going to the gym for some cross training, but that nagging inner voice said “Don’t go to the gym three days in a row! Think how much easier it would be to stay home and go for a walk instead!” Luckily I’m reading David Goggins’ new book, so I also hear his voice in my head now. In this case, I heard him saying “You want to stay home and do WHAT?!” Sigh. I went to the gym and did the stair climber for 45 minutes. I can’t say I “like” the stair climber (because that would be crazy) but of all the cardio machines, for me it’s the closest thing to running, endorphin-wise. Plus it was a great workout- I put some hard intervals in there, because that’s what you do when you’re on the machines to keep from losing your mind. Thank you, David. Friday The true test! I did a four mile run and my shin felt… completely fine. PHEW. Not only did my shin not hurt, but my glutes felt extra activated from the stair climber the day before, and I was aware of them pushing back with every step. Now I’m considering adding a day of stair climber cross training every week! Saturday Off! My daughter had a band concert the night before and we got home late, so I was glad to have a morning to sleep in (a little, before going to work.) And, it was my husband’s birthday! Luckily he was feeling better and done with his quarantine, so we went out for a nice dinner. Sunday I’m switching my long run back to Wednesday (again.) Sundays and Wednesdays are my days off, and the problem with Sunday is, I always feel my time is limited before I’m expected back home. On Wednesday, after I drop my daughter off, the whole day is mine and I plan to find a new trail to run on. So on tap for today… the gym, once again! I’ll do leg day, since I won’t be doing it on Wednesday. And then… football. Overall it was a pretty great week (thanks to my friends David Goggins and Winnie the Pooh!) If anything, I felt better than normal- maybe because I focused on getting more sleep. I did wear a mask a couple times indoors, like to my daughter’s concert (just in case) but other than that, carried on with my life as usual. My husband has now had Covid twice, and I had it once- and we’ve never gotten it from one another. Yes, this virus is highly contagious! Unless you’re sleeping in the same bed as someone who has it- then you won’t get it. Whatever. Do you feel like you’ve dodged any bullets lately? Chiefs or Bengals? – I like both teams!