February Coffee Date- Trials, Tribulations, and Tea

Since it’s the first Friday of the month, I’m joining Coco and Deborah for our monthly coffee date! I don’t drink coffee, but I’m currently drinking some very delicious tea. But we’ll get to that in a minute. If we were having coffee (tea) together, I would tell you that I’ve been having quite a week. On Monday, my laptop started behaving strangely. Everything was going along just fine, and then it suddenly froze up. I tried shutting it down and restarting (my usual “miracle cure” for anything that goes wrong with an appliance) but that didn’t help. The only thing that fixed it- temporarily- was to leave it alone for a couple hours and then it was magically back to normal. But a couple days later it happened again, and has been occurring randomly throughout the week. This has been causing me a lot of stress. I REALLY need my laptop! I would say the top two things I need in my life are my car and my laptop. MacBooks are expensive, right? I don’t want to have to get a new one! Arg. On the same day my computer woes began, I did a load of laundry and then discovered that our DRYER isn’t working. WHAT????? Okay, the top three things I need in my life are my car, my laptop, and my dryer. Somehow, our family generates a tremendous amount of laundry, and I do a load almost every day. The earliest a repairman can come out when someone will actually be home is next Wednesday. In the meantime I’ve been washing the clothes and letting them air dry. Remember how I shared last week that my house is a mess? Well, the only thing that could possibly have made it worse would be damp clothes draped across every surface. Oh well- at least it’s only for five more days. Let’s move on to a happier subject. Last week I talked about my love for Earl Grey tea, and how I’ve been enjoying Stash Double Bergamot, which was suggested by Suzanne. She also recommended a tea called Uncle Grey which is from a Canadian company called Tea Squared. Uncle Grey is described as “the smoother cousin of the pretentious Earl Grey.” Well, my tea has arrived, and as promised it is smooth and delicious! And, in addition to the Uncle Grey, they sent me several samples. I’m not a fan of fruity teas, but my husband will happily drink them. I’m really excited to try the Ginseng Oolong though! I used to drink Oolong tea, and this one sounds interesting. Overall I’m very happy with this purchase- thank you Suzanne! Do you like tea? What’s your favorite kind? Will I need to buy a new laptop AND a dryer at the same time? And what will be the next thing to break- my phone? The refrigerator? Stay tuned to find out!