Weekly Rundown- All About the Long Run

Well, it’s Sunday again and time for the Weekly Rundown, thanks to our gracious hosts Kim and .Deborah. This week had a little of everything- gym, short runs, and a GREAT long run! Read on for the details. Sunday Leg day at the gym! Remember how, until November, it had been over 1000 days since I went to the gym? Well, my husband also hadn’t been in at least that long but he went with me on Sunday. I’ve been gently nagging him to do some strength training (because he hasn’t been doing ANY) so I was very happy he came with me! I’ve read that when you first start lifting heavy weights, your brain learns to recruit more muscle fibers during a lift so it seems like you get stronger really quickly- but it’s really just an improvement in the neuromuscular process. I can definitely attest to this- I first started squatting with just the bar, and now I can add 30 pounds! Whatever it’s due to, it’s fun to see so much improvement. Monday 4 mile run! I literally can’t remember anything about this run, other than I did it and I have the picture to prove it. Tuesday Push/pull day at the gym, which I’ve decided I can simply call “upper body.” Wednesday LONG RUN! I went to Yamato Scrub, which is a 217 acre protected natural area about thirty minutes from my house. Scrub communities formed on old dunes, so a lot of this trail system is loose sand. That’s fine, because the trail race I’m doing in April apparently has sand dunes involved (eep!) I knew it was going to be hot (it was 85 degrees by the time I finished the run) but it’s not going to be any cooler in April. I decided to approach this run a little differently, and broke it up into three segments. After each segment I returned to my car- the “aid station”- to get some ice and switch water bottles. The first segment of the run was just under 6 miles, and it felt AWFUL. I was running on exposed, sandy trails. And when I say “sand” I mean loose sand, not hard-packed. I was in full sun and I questioned whether I could continue- but I reminded myself that I would feel better after my pit stop. I stopped at my car, switched out my water bottle, and put several ice cubes in my sports bra. My new water bottle had icy cold water mixed with LMNT, which tasted amazing; the ice in my bra cooled me down, and I started on a different section of trail, which was less sand and more dirt. I felt like a whole new person! The next five miles felt so easy compared to the first six. I stopped at my car again, switched water bottles, got more ice, and set off for the last leg. I did get tired during this leg, but I completed 16 miles. That’s the same distance as my last long run but took longer because of the more difficult terrain. I’ve decided to measure my long runs by time now, although of course I couldn’t help looking at the mileage as well. This run was a huge victory, because instead of just complaining about the heat, I did something about it. The LMNT worked great, I didn’t get nauseous, and nothing hurt! I really loved this run, and I want to do more long runs in this area. Thursday Ugh. Went to the gym and did the stair climber. Did I feel like it? NO. But, I’ve decided to do one day a week of cross training on the stair climber, and this was the only day that worked. I also did some abs while I was there because… why not. Friday 4 mile run. Extremely annoying fact: someone has started parking their car in one of the spots where I take a picture at the end of my run. Don’t they know I have a blog??? Anyway, I took this “amazing” shot instead in a different location. Funny thing about this picture- it looks like I’m blurry and the background is clear, but in reality it was the opposite. It was very, very foggy this morning, which wasn’t captured in the photo at all. Saturday Off! I didn’t get to sleep in as I usually do on a Saturday, because my daughter had solo and ensemble contest. Since I had to work my husband drove her, but I had to be up to provide breakfast and moral support. She ended up getting a superior on her solo, as I knew she would! She was well-prepared, and the judges are very lenient in middle school. But it was her first time going to contest and I’m glad she had a good experience. Sunday On tap for today- leg day once again! My husband discovered that our gym has a hex bar- who knew?- and I’m going to try doing hex bar deadlifts. I know- I really know how to make a Sunday morning fun! And, I’m not too happy about football season winding down. I’m looking forward to the Super Bowl next weekend, but today is going to feel empty with no games. I’ve never been interested in basketball, but I’m going to try. I need something! How’s your weather been? – Ha! While the rest of the country has been immersed in winter, we got up to 87 degrees this week. We’re having a cooler and rainy weekend, which is just fine with me. Eagles or Chiefs? – Chiefs!