Weekly Rundown- Fun on the Trail

Welcome to the Weekly Rundown, hosted as always by Kim and Deborah (thanks ladies!) It was a good one, and the highlight once again was my mid-week trail run. But there were other activities as well… let’s just see how it all went down. Sunday Leg day at the gym. I did my usual squats and leg press, but also added deadlifts with the hex bar. I’ve been struggling with transitioning from dumbbell deadlifts to using the bar- specifically, how to get the bar elevated from the ground since I’m not putting big plates on it (yet.) I thought the hex bar would be good because there are handles, but it was still too low. I remedied that by boosting it up a little. My gym opens at 8 am on Sundays, and I like showing up at that time because it’s less crowded- so I don’t feel as self conscious fiddling around with things like this. Monday Uneventful 4 mile run. Tuesday Upper body day at the gym. Teensy snafu- my shoulder is a little sore. I feel like the kid from A Christmas Story, where he wants a bb gun for Christmas and everyone keeps telling him “You’ll shoot your eye out!” Then he gets one and actually hurts his eye. All the naysayers kept telling me not to lift heavy weights because I would hurt myself, and now I’ve hurt my shoulder! Ha ha… I can joke about it because it’s not affecting my running (if it were my leg or hip I would be hysterical.) Anyway, I’m going to lay off the bench press for a little until my shoulder is better- I can still go to the gym and do a “pull” day, which doesn’t irritate it. Wednesday Ah, my favorite day of the week. Long run on the trail, 18 miles! I did the same thing as last week- broke it up into three segments, and returned to my car “aid station” to get a new, icy cold water bottle and to put ice in my sports bra between each one. This run was easier than last week’s, possibly because it was a little cooler (although I use that term loosely.) I also found a whole other part of the trail that I didn’t see last time- you have to go through a tunnel to get to it. This part of the trail was less woodsy and more open, but had some interesting features. Anyway, I’m loving my trail runs. I’m still trying to figure out how all the parts of this trail fit together, which makes it kind of fun. There’s always something new to explore. Thursday Cross training day- I did the stair climber at the gym. As I climbed to nowhere, I reflected that it was the polar opposite of doing a long, adventurous run on a beautiful trail. But since I just did that, it was a good day to stare at the walls of the gym. Friday Another 4 mile run, followed by a short strength session at home- Runner Touch and Bulgarian split squats, and oh yeah… holding a plank. I’ve been neglecting planks lately. Saturday Off! Crazy thing- I wasn’t sore at all after my long run on Wednesday. I mean, there are always little aches and pains; my low back has been achy lately. But really, I couldn’t even tell that I ran 18 miles. HOWEVER, I was still happy for this day off! Sunday On tap for today: back to the gym for leg day. Then, getting ready for the Super Bowl! I’ve decided to make this recipe for the “Best Vegan BBQ Sandwiches.” Except mine won’t be the “best” because I’m going to modify it to cut down the sugar. They’ll still be good, though! How was your week? Any adventures? Are you making a special meal for the Super Bowl?