Weekly Rundown… Seriously, Universe???

Well, it was quite a week, with some odd twists and turns. Thanks as always to Kim and Deborah for hosting this Weekly Rundown. Let’s just see what happened this week… Sunday Leg day at the gym! I focus on squats and deadlifts on these days, and end with the leg press machine where I work to failure. Good workout! Monday 4 mile run. It was a beautiful morning, 50 degrees and sunny- PERFECT weather for a run. Tuesday Because I have a half marathon on Sunday, I switched up my schedule for the week. I went back to one of my “favorite” Caroline Girvan workouts, Day #20 from the Iron Series. Biceps, triceps, core and abs. Ouch. Wednesday Instead of a long run (once again, because of the Sunday half marathon) I did a 5 mile run. Thursday Gym day! I wanted to get in a little bit of everything, but not too much on the legs. I did squats, bench press (my shoulder is all better!) lat pulldowns, and abs. Now let’s talk a little bit about this half marathon. I originally signed up for it because Darlene was coming down to run it. My husband also wanted to do it, so I thought it would be fun to do it together. Well, for various reasons (including, but not limited to, his bout with Covid in January) my husband wasn’t able to put in the training so I knew he wasn’t going to do the race. And poor Darlene… I’m going to let her tell the story on her blog, but she couldn’t run it either. I have to admit I was feeling unenthusiastic about running the race by myself. I haven’t been doing any speedwork, and I thought it would be depressing to run much slower than my last half marathon. But then I had a mindset shift and realized how lucky I am to be able to run a race. I’ve had to DNS this same race in the past due to injury, and the fact that I was able to run this year, I realized, was an amazing thing. I wrote a whole blog post on the subject, ending with “This year, everything came together for me and I get to show up at the starting line of this race, healthy and ready to run. I can’t wait.” I hit “publish” and then, literally right afterwards, my daughter came into the room and said “I just threw up.” Oh. Well, that’s very, very bad news. And actually, now that you mention it, my stomach doesn’t feel so great either. My husband had been sick on Tuesday and Wednesday with what we thought was food poisoning. He ate dinner at work on Tuesday, then came home and got sick. I thought we wouldn’t get it, since we didn’t eat what he ate. Well, think again. To make a long and horrible story short, my daughter and I were up all night in the bathroom (good thing we have two bathrooms!) Ugh. Friday Obviously, no workouts and no work or school either. My daughter and I stayed home and slept on and off all day. All we were able to get down were some sips of water and tea, and later at night, a little white rice. Fun times! Saturday I slept great but woke up with a massive headache, I assume from dehydration. The good news is we were both able to drink as much as we wanted, but eating was still iffy. We had toast and more white rice. I decided to rally and do laundry and change everyone’s sheets, and just doing that made me tired. Bummer. Sunday No race. I held out hope for as long as I could, but by afternoon on Saturday I knew it wasn’t going to happen. I’m beginning to think this race is cursed! Obviously, I’m really sad that I couldn’t run. But this wasn’t my big, goal race (no, that’s coming up in April and I BETTER NOT GET SICK for that one!) This will pass; as a matter of fact I’m hoping to go out for a short run/walk today just to get moving a little. The timing was ridiculously bad- if the race were just one day later I might have been able to do it. But… c’est la vie. So that was the week! The beginning was great, the second half, not so great. But tomorrow we start all over again. How was your week? Have you ever had to DNS a race due to illness? When was the last time you had a stomach virus? – They are the WORST.