Something Completely Different
People say that when you’re training for a hard race, you should know your “why,” that intrinsic motivation that will keep you going when it gets hard. For a while I was training for my upcoming race without having a clear “why” other than, I’ve always wanted to do an ultra. Years ago, I read a book about what makes people shy. It said that shyness is really just a physiological reaction to new situations (pounding heart, dry mouth, sweaty palms, etc,) and that the reason why people outgrow their shyness is that, as we get older, there are fewer and fewer situations that are truly new. It’s true- if you’re going to a party or starting a new job, you may be a little nervous but there’s a part of you that already knows what it’s going to be like. You’ve been to plenty of parties and had plenty of “first day” scenarios, so even if you’re nervous, you basically know how you’re going to handle it. If you’re moving to a new house, that might seem like a completely new situation, but actually you’ve probably moved before. You know you’re going to pack boxes, call movers, unload everything in the new place, explore your new town, find the grocery store… and on and on. When I was pregnant with my son, I opted for a natural, drug-free childbirth, mainly because I had no idea what it was going to feel like. I knew it was going to hurt, but I didn’t want to miss out on the chance to experience something completely different. On one of my recent training runs, I realized that’s why I’m doing this 50K. I know what running is like, and I know what it’s like to run on a trail. But I’ve never done a trail race, I’ve never run on this trail, and I’ve never run 31 miles. I want to experience something I never have before… As we get older, how many chance do we have to say “I have NO IDEA what this is going to be like?” It definitely can happen, but usually we have to make it happen (or, unfortunately, it’s something thrust upon us like the death of a loved one or a serious illness.) If we don’t push ourselves to find experiences like that, our lives continue on and on in the same pattern. I love patterns! I love routine. I love my Wednesday long runs, my weekly Starbucks and Friday night takeouts. If I’m not careful, I’ll sink into a rut and never, ever get out. The times that I push myself to find something different leave me feeling exhilarated, and make life rich with days that don’t all meld together. Maybe I’ve gone completely bonkers, but that’s why I signed up for a 50K- something completely different. I’m linking up with Kim and Zenaida for their Tuesday Topics. Thanks, ladies! When was the last time you experienced something completely different? Did you have to push yourself to do it?