Race Photo Runfessions

I’ve given up trying to figure out if months are going by fast or slow. Time seems to have no meaning, but at least I know if it’s time for Marcia’s “Runfessional,” it must be the last Friday of the month. Thank you, Marcia! To begin with, did you know I ran a 50k last weekend? Hahahahaha… just kidding. I’m pretty sure EVERYONE knows that by now, and most of you are wondering when I’ll be able to move on. Not so fast! Race photos are in, and there are a couple of me that are…. interesting. There I am in the white hat! It’s funny, because I have no recollection of running with this many people. This must have been very near the beginning of the race. Now, let’s have a little talk about my “favorite” body part. I’ve never had a flat stomach, not even when I was young. Having kids didn’t help, and then menopause was the crowning blow. It was also right around menopause that the heat started to bother me, and one thing I realized drives me absolutely berserk on a hot day is having fabric touching my stomach. I know- it’s weird. But if I run in just a sports bra or crop top, I literally feel like it’s at least ten degrees cooler. At first I was self-conscious about my stomach, but comfort won out, and now I usually don’t think about it. But I runfess that it bothered me when I saw these race photos. I had such a great experience- and now I’m going to be depressed about my stomach??? Yesterday Janae of Hungry Runner Girl shared her instagram reel, Wear the Shorts, to encourage women to wear shorts in warm weather. She says, “We are the paintbrushes, creating amazing things and experiences with our lives… Not the artwork that sits there doing nothing just to be looked at.” Okay… wear the crop top! Now let’s look at my finish line picture. There I am with Calf Guy! I feel bad for him because this was the only photo of him at the finish line- it really wasn’t his day. I, on the other hand, look pretty good! The camera even caught my stomach at a flattering angle. But wait… Remember how I said I used Desitin to prevent chafing between my legs? Well, it’s very thick, greasy… and white. Apparently it shows up nicely on black clothing! ARRRRRG! This would be such a great picture, if only I didn’t have a huge, noticeable Desitin stain on my crotch. Sigh! I can’t win. At first I was bummed there weren’t any other pictures of me on the course… but maybe it’s a good thing. These were enough for one race. Have you had any race photo fails? Do you avoid wearing certain clothing when you exercise because of how your body looks? – I think I would have when I was younger. The older I get, the less I care!