Weekly Rundown- Back to the Gym (and the Gym Won)

Well, it was a busy week!  But I also started to get back to normal again after my race, and that felt good.  Yes, life goes on!  Thanks as always to Kim and Deborah for hosting the Weekly Rundown.  Let’s get right into it. Monday A 3 mile run followed by planks and dead bugs.  I’m going to do core after every run! Tuesday Ah, this was interesting.  It was my usual after-work gym day.  I did bench press and lat pulldowns, but I was also itching to get back to lower body strength- it’s been three weeks since I had a hard leg day.  I did Bulgarian split squats with body weight only, and squats with just the bar.  I also did calf raises, something I want to incorporate into my routine.  I thought I eased into it sensibly, but… Wednesday GAAAH!  My legs are SO SORE.  After just three weeks off, it was as if I had never done a squat before in my life.  Sigh.  I did a 3 mile run and threw in some strides, but my legs just felt like lead. Thursday This was a crazy day, starting with errands before work and ending with us getting home at 10 pm after spending the evening at my daughter’s band rehearsal.  In the morning I did a 20 minute Caroline Girvan abs and core workout (from the Advent Series.)  It was a good choice for today, especially since my legs were still hella-sore. Friday 4 mile run.  This was the first run since my race, almost two weeks ago, where I actually felt normal.  Hooray! Of course I completely forgot about my plan to do core after every run- well, next week is another week. Friday night was another late night with a band concert at the performing arts center in West Palm Beach.  I always grumble about these things beforehand, but once I’m there I enjoy it, and totally appreciate the opportunity for my daughter to play on an incredible stage in a beautiful hall. Saturday Off!  After working all morning, I came home and had a lazy afternoon on the couch.  I took a nap with my cat and watched the Heat/Knicks game.  I’m definitely not one of those people who don’t know how to relax- I’m very good at it. In the evening I had an emergency trip to Target to buy a new waffle maker, since my old one basically exploded last weekend.  Everyone knows Sunday is waffle day! Sunday On tap for today- the gym.  The soreness in my legs has finally subsided, and I’m ready to go back for another leg day.  I’m excited to do more strength training now.  My plan for May is to get to the gym twice a week, for both upper and lower body each day.  And, core after each run (ahem.)  As usual I’m having trouble figuring out how to put this all together with speed work and (eventually) long runs, but I’ll figure it out- the classic runner’s conundrum. Have you experienced that intense soreness after leg day?- I seriously could hardly sit down (or get back up) for two days. Is Sunday waffle day at your house? – I like making protein waffles after the gym!