Weekly Rundown- Heavy Leg Edition

Oof. I felt like I was running through molasses this week. I can’t seem to get used to strength training again, but I’m not giving up! I’ll slog through these runs until it all feels normal (that will happen… right???) Thanks as always to Kim and Deborah for hosting the Weekly Rundown! Let’s just see how it all went. Sunday Back to the gym! You may recall that I went last week to do lower body for the first time in three weeks, and it completely trashed my legs. But I was undeterred, and returned for more lower body. I did Bulgarian split squats, deadlifts with the hex bar and calf raises. I have the theory- based on no evidence whatsoever- that the calf raises will help my plantar fasciitis. We’ll see! Monday My legs were sore, but not as sore as last time. I did a 4 mile run, followed by some planks. I definitely did better with my core this week. Tuesday Another gym day! This time I did squats (again with the bar only), calf raises, bench press and lat pulldowns. Good workout. Wednesday I know what my life has been missing- trail running! I went back to the trail for the first time since my race, and ran 6 miles. I was glad to get back out there, but this was a HARD run. My legs felt trashed once again (what is it with these squats???) and it was so hot. I thought I would be okay since it was only 6 miles, but I missed my ice hat! Thursday I did this Caroline Girvan abs and core workout. Oof. At night, we went to my daughter’s band concert… which was the final middle school concert. Ever. I can actually remember my son’s very first middle school band concert. Between my son and daughter, we attended six years of concerts at that school, and this was the end. I know it’s time to move on, but I was sad. Friday 4 mile run, and now what? My right hip was so, so stiff. I couldn’t figure out why, until I remembered sitting on a hard plastic chair in the middle school cafeteria the night before for almost two hours. Hmmm. Maybe I’m not so sad to be done with middle school, after all- the high school has nice, comfy auditorium seats. I did crunches on the stability ball in the kitchen while making breakfast… a little core is better than nothing, right? Saturday I did Caroline Girvan’s deadbug workout.. It’s just 12 minutes, and all variations on deadbugs. When it starts you think “Oh, this isn’t so bad” but by the end you’re singing a different tune. Never underestimate C.G.! Other than that, it was a day off. Sunday Happy Mother’s Day! Remember how I was going to run a Mother’s Day 5K? Yeah, not happening. My legs just don’t seem to want to move fast these days, which makes it hard to imagine running a race. My husband has also been struggling with his running (although his issue is just finding the time to do it) and he said he didn’t want to go to the race because he would be a laughingstock. Ha ha, I think that’s a BIT of an exaggeration- but under the circumstances we just weren’t motivated to get up excruciatingly early to slog through a 5K. BUT! I am going to run a 5K time trial today (after sleeping to a more reasonable hour.) It’s going to be…. interesting and humbling. But you have to start somewhere! I’ll take this time and use it to set the paces for my upcoming speed work. Are you doing anything special for Mother’s Day? Any big events for you this month? – We have middle school graduation coming up soon!