Weekly Rundown- School’s Out!

Woohoo! Summer vacation has begun, and while I of course will still be going to work, the carefree atmosphere is contagious. My mornings will be much more leisurely and I love having my son home. It’s all good! And I had a good week of workouts. Thanks as always to Kim and Deborah for hosting the Weekly Rundown. Let’s get right into it! Sunday I had a GREAT trail run! In the beginning it seemed doomed, because I didn’t get out as early as I hoped. My kids kept me up late on Saturday night talking (how can you go to bed if your kids want to have a fun conversation?) and when I woke up on Sunday, it was already light. No, no, no! If you’re going to do a long (ish) run in Florida in the summer, you should already be running once the sun is rising. I got to the trail as quickly as I could, bracing myself for a heatfest… and it was fine! Yes, it was hot by the end, but I felt good. I ran 8 miles, but in the future if the run is going to be longer than that, I have to get up earlier. Monday I did this Caroline Girvan abs workout, and then my “at home” leg day. Bulgarian split squats and calf raises with 2 x 15 pound dumbbells- if I were at the gym I wouldn’t be going any heavier than that, so it was fine to do at home. Tuesday Well, I overslept by 35 minutes. Apparently I turned my alarm off and went back to sleep, although I have no recollection of it. I got out for a quick 3 mile run, followed by the Caroline Girvan deadbug workout. Wednesday Speed work! After a warmup run I did 6 x 400s, on my “poor man’s track” (i.e. stretch of sidewalk that’s approximately 1/4 mile.) I’m starting to feel a little, tiny, bit of speed coming back into my legs. Next week I’m hoping to get to an actual track! After dropping my daughter off for her penultimate day of school, I went to the gym for leg day. Very exciting news- they got a bunch of new equipment, including a new setup for the squat bars. And they have… The big ten pound plates! I’m totally set up for deadlifts now! I did squats, deadlifts, calf raises, and bench press (had to do something for my upper body.) Great workout. At night we had my daughter’s middle school graduation! Look out, high school… she’s coming. Thursday I overslept AGAIN. Seriously- I need to start going to bed earlier. Luckily today was a rest day, other than this Caroline Girvan 20 minute abs and core workout. Friday I started the day with a 4 mile run… And then focused on some single leg strength work. Runner’s Touch exercise, more Bulgarian split squats, and calf raises. This was the first official day of summer vacation, and I celebrated by going to Starbucks before work. I sat there while reading everyone’s “Runfession” blog posts and drank my favorite Earl Grey tea. Fun! Saturday Caroline Girvan deadbug workout- I can finally say it’s getting easier (although not more enjoyable.) And then I did some back exercises (rows with dumbbells) because my upper body strength was deplorable this week. Sunday On tap for today… a 10 mile trail run! I have high hopes of getting out early to beat the heat- as much as possible, of course. It’ll still be hot and humid, but that’s called “Summer.” Overall it was a good week! I feel like I’m finding my stride with strength workouts. I managed to get them in without trashing my legs for speed work or my longer run. Next week my goal is to get to the gym on Tuesday and Friday for squats and deadlifts both days. How was your week? Does it feel like summer where you are? What’s your favorite running season? – Since I live in Florida, winter. But I do appreciate all the daylight in the summer!