Weekly Rundown- The Daily Shakedown

Another week come and gone! It was a good week- logistically, the most challenging one of the summer because my daughter had to be transported to and from camp every day. Workout-wise, I had an extra day off (I can’t lie- I kind of enjoyed it) and I started a new mobility program. But first, thanks as always to Kim and Deborah for hosting! Let’s get right into it. Sunday 6 mile run. I woke up later than I wanted, so rather than driving to the trail I just ran from my house. I have a nice 6 mile route- it’s mostly on pavement but there are stretches where I can run on grass too. Monday Leg day at the gym! I decided my last post had enough squatting action shots to last a while, so here’s a more normal gym selfie. My warmup for leg day is usually ten minutes on the stair climber, then some bodyweight squats. The workout consisted of squats, deadlifts, Bulgarian split squats, calf raises, and a little bit of upper body- biceps and rows. I’ve been pairing my early morning gym workouts with a nice trip to Starbucks before work. This strategy works well! It gives me a treat to look forward to, and a little break after my workout before starting the work day. Tuesday 4 mile run, followed by Caroline Girvan’s deadbug ab workout. Wednesday This was my day to drive to camp. The camp started early and was an hour away (sigh) so I opted to take today off from exercise. But, I did start a new mobility program, Meghan Gould’s Daily Shakedown. It’s a 15 minute full body mobility routine, and Meghan says it can be a warmup for your run, but you should do it every day even if you’re not running. Thursday This week there was a heat advisory for South Florida. When I first heard that I had to laugh a little- oh no! It’s going to be hot in Florida! Whatever will we do? But, there are people without air conditioning (I can’t even imagine) and people who work outside (again- that would be terrible) and the heat index was well into triple digits. I figured this would be a great day to do speed work outside! Just kidding- it was a terrible idea. I’ve been doing my speed work on the treadmill at the gym- the nice, air conditioned gym!- but it just wasn’t feasible on this day. I got out early, but of course it was still hot and humid. After a 1.5 mile warm up I ran a mile at 5k pace. This basically set me up for failure for the rest of the workout. I was already tired, and my paces were all over the place. I ran 6 x 400 (although in one of them I had to stop in the middle, so it was 2 x 200, eye roll.) Overall, this was a workout that kind of fell apart in the middle. It just wasn’t well-thought out. Next week, I will be on the treadmill! Friday Back to the gym! But first, I did the Daily Shakedown, and then felt that I could cut the stair climber warmup to 5 minutes. I did squats and deadlifts, and then my son guilted me into doing overhead press as well as benchpress. I have to agree with him that I don’t do enough upper body. I either have to spend more time at the gym on the days I go, or go a third day for upper body. Neither option is appealing, somehow. This was the last day of my daughter’s camp, which meant there was a concert at night (this was a jazz band camp.) Very fun, but it made for a late night. Saturday Day off, other than the Daily Shakedown. Thanks to the added upper body weights yesterday, now my entire body is sore. It made going to work very un-fun. But, one of my coworkers had a terrible migraine and couldn’t even turn her head- and she was there working. If she could do it, I certainly could! Sunday On tap for today- obviously the Daily Shakedown, and then a run! It will be a longer run… 8 miles? Location TBD. So, it was a good week, in spite of the extra driving and the heat advisory. The extra day off meant I missed a day of running, and I really did miss it. After a lighter week I’m ready to ramp it back up a little. How’s the weather where you are? Anyone else have a heat advisory? Do you do mobility work? If you lift weights, what do you do to warm up before your workout?