Weekly Rundown- Pure Chaos

AAAAUUUGH! What a week. Did you know that it’s very, very hard to function without a kitchen? Just kidding- everyone knows that. I don’t mean to complain, because the end result will be a new kitchen, but this week was tough. Looking on the bright side, I usually have low blood pressure but I don’t have to worry about that anymore- my sodium intake has gone through the roof due to all the takeout we ate. Of course there were still workouts! Thanks as always to Kim and Deborah for hosting the Weekly Rundown. Let’s get right into it. Monday 4 mile run. In spite of the heat, this run felt pretty good! Tuesday Leg day at the gym! After everyone’s encouraging comments last week, I was determined not to compare myself to my fellow gym rats. Someone asked WHY I was looking at other people anyway- well, if I’m waiting three full minutes between sets, I have to look at something. I did squats, deadlifts, Runner’s Touch exercise, calves, and abs. Good workout! Wednesday Okay. I wanted to do some sort of speed work, but I’m pretty sure the speed work I was doing is what hurt my shin. So I did hill repeats on the treadmill! Hills are speed work in disguise, right? It’s been ages since I’ve done hills. After a warm up, I did intervals of two minutes at 4%, and it was hard! I was trying to mimic the effort of running fast intervals. It was a good workout- 4.5 miles total. Thursday Oof. It was a hard morning. The kitchen was a shambles, and it took me forever to do little things like feed the cats and fill water bottles. My daughter had band camp at the high school, so she needed breakfast, and I had to drive her there. I got out for a run, which felt TERRIBLE! I guess the last two days- leg day and then hill repeats- took its toll, and my legs were sore and achy. I had to laugh, because the night before I wrote my “Runfessions,” where I whined that running has been hot and boring. I felt like my body was saying, “Oh, you’re complaining? I’ll give you something to complain about!” 3 hard miles. And I forgot to take a picture, but instead I’ll treat you to this stunning photo of my kitchen: Friday Back to the gym. Since I hadn’t done upper body this week, I did a little of everything- squats, lat pulldowns, overhead shoulder press, calf raises, abs and low back. Saturday Off! I was able to sleep in a little before going to work, and I needed it. Oh! And now the upper and lower cabinets are in… But no counters yet, and no sink. Obviously we need a backsplash and the floor has… issues… but at least when we get the counters and sink (hopefully Monday) the kitchen will be functional. Sunday On tap for today… a longer run! 6 miles planned. And then- prep for the trip to Texas. My son and I will be leaving Tuesday morning for Baylor. We’re driving his car there, then I’ll get him moved in to his new house, hang out for a couple days, and fly back on Saturday. Oh, and I can’t wait to run there! Somehow I’ve managed to plan a trip to the only place hotter than Florida. The forecast for Waco next week is well into the 100s every day. I’ll be bringing my hydration vest and water bottle! How was your week? – I hope it was more calm than mine. Do you incorporate hills into your runs? – I live in the flattest place on earth, so if I want hills, it has to be the treadmill.