August Coffee Date- Texas Style!

I’m on the road and not sure if I’ll have wifi tomorrow- so I’m posting the August Coffee Date a day early! I’m hoping to link up with Coco and Deborah– once again, if I have access to wifi. If not, c’est la vie! Of course I’ll be reading everyone’s posts… eventually. For the third year in a row, my son and I have driven from South Florida to Waco, Texas, where he is now a junior at Baylor. It takes almost a full day of driving to just get out of Florida. As we were leaving the state, I thought of Dave Barry’s book, Best. State. Ever: A Florida Man Defends His Homeland. He talks about how, somehow, weird things that happen are always WEIRDER in Florida. When I sent my sister the photo of us leaving Florida, she told me about a fun game. You google “Florida Man” and your birthday- e.g., in my case “Florida man 3/21.” Here’s what came up: And here’s one of my sister’s: Yep, Florida is weird. We drove through Alabama and Louisiana, until we got to what the natives call “the great country of Texas.” Now all we have to do is move my son’s stuff into his new house (most of it is being stored in a friend’s garage over the summer.) And I have a riverside run planned, and a walking tour of Waco. This will all be occurring during a “red flag warning” of excessive heat, but not to worry! Floridians may be weird, but we know how to manage heat. Switching gears abruptly, the day before we left, our new kitchen counters were installed! We want everything to be bright because the kitchen is very small, so we were going to do white subway tiles for the backsplash- but now I’m thinking that may be TOO MUCH white. I’m really bad at stuff like this. Any advice would be appreciated! That’s it for this busy week… What’s your “Florida Man Birthday” headline? White subway tile? Or…???