Weekly Rundown- Endings and Beginnings

Wow- this was a long week. i can’t believe I just got back from Texas a week ago! It took me a couple days to get my footing again after my trip; my daughter started high school; and I answered the question once and for all: Which is hotter, Florida or Texas? Read on for details! Thanks as always to Kim and Deborah for hosting. Sunday I REALLY didn’t feel like running today! I was tired from traveling the day before, and in order to make up some hours, I had crazily agreed to be at work at 9 am (grumble, grumble.) I slept as late as I could, then got out for 3 miles before work. As always, running made everything better. Monday It had been a week since I was at the gym (the hotel gym with two dumbbells just didn’t cut it.) I had a good leg day, including squats and deadlifts. Tuesday Hmmm, doing squats again after just one week off made me REALLY sore. I got out for a 3 mile run, and decided morning runs in Florida are officially harder than Texas. It’s around 80 degrees at 7 am in both places, but the humidity put the heat index at 90 for this run. Texas is drier so the heat index is lower EARLY IN THE MORNING. But as the day progresses, the heat index in Texas surpasses ours, even with our humidity. Also, we have a good chance of getting some rain in the late afternoon, which helps a little. In Texas once the sun is up there’s no hope- it’s just going to bake you until sunset. I asked my son if it ever rains, and he had to think about that, but said spring seems to be their rainy season. Wednesday Okay, I’m finally starting to feel back to normal. 4 treadmill miles at the gym with hill repeats! Since regular speed work always seems to hurt my shin (grr) I’m going to do hills once a week instead. It gives me the same cardio workout, but always feels good on my legs. Thursday Back to the gym. I realized the way my week was panning out, I had to do a full body workout today. Squats, benchpress, lat pulldowns, calf raises (always), abs and low back. I’ve been doing abs consistently and I think it’s making my stomach look even worse. Of all the muscles to get bigger, of course it would be my abs. Sigh! This was also a big day- my daughter’s first day of high school! She dyed her hair turquoise for the occasion. She doesn’t like her picture on the internet, but I say, what’s the point of having turquoise hair and a septum piercing if you don’t want everyone to see it? Friday Traffic is SO BAD the first week of school. What should have been a 15 minute trip to school took 40 minutes. As I said in this post, with my new schedule I’ll be doing my workouts after I take my daughter to school. By the time I was running, it was much later than I wanted and I was worried about the heat- but I was fine! Go figure. 4 miles and I still felt good at the end. And, very exciting- the Dolphins first pre-season game was tonight! Football season is here! Saturday Off! I like making Saturday my day off because I can sleep in a little before going to work. Sunday On tap- a longer run, 7-8 miles. My “summer of strength” will soon be at an end. In September I’ll still be going to the gym, of course, but I’ll start pivoting the emphasis to longer runs. According to the rudimentary training plan I’ve concocted, my long run should be 10 miles at the beginning of September. Overall it was a good week! It’s always hard to start a new schedule- my daughter had to shift her wakeup time, oh, about four hours earlier than her summer schedule. But she did well! I think we’re off to a fine start. Has school started where you are? Are you starting to think about football and fall? Or are you still in “summer mode?”