Weekly Rundown- Still Plugging Along

Oh, hello! Welcome to the Weekly Rundown, brought to you by our intrepid hosts, Kim and Deborah. Check them out if you want further inspiration! Nothing earth-shattering about this week- still getting used to our schedule now that school has started. The high school schedule is very different from middle school, so it’s a big adjustment. But we can do it! Things are going well, for the most part. Let’s just see how it all went… Sunday 7.5 mile “long-ish” run. In the category of longer runs in the heat of summer where I don’t start early enough, this run was pretty okay. Monday Leg day at the gym. Squats, deadlifts, Bulgarian split squats, Runner’s Touch, calf raises and abs. Good workout! Tuesday 3 mile run. The struggle continues on school days to get out of the house on time, and thereby avoid the terrible traffic. By the time I’m running, it’s late, hot, and I’m in a bad mood. Oh well- we’ll get it right. And running is an automatic attitude adjustment, so by the time I get to work, all is well. Wednesday Double workout at the gym! First, a 4.5 mile treadmill run with hill repeats. I’m loving this workout, and unlike regular speed work, it’s not hurting my shins at all. Then, upper body strength. Bench press, overhead shoulder press, lat pulldowns, and abs. I do the overhead press with dumbbells, and it’s abundantly clear that my left side is much weaker than the right. What’s up with that??? Thursday Just to mix things up, I did a leg day at home. I focused on unilateral moves- lunges, Bulgarian split squats, runners touch, calf raises, and side planks. It was nice to do some things I don’t always get to at the gym. Friday I decided to make this my day off, partly because I needed time in the morning to take care of some nagging tasks and get my head together. In the evening we had a pep band preview show at the high school, combined with a dessert potluck. I have to admit I was a little cranky about this- I just didn’t feel like socializing on a Friday night, and who wants to go to a dessert potluck at 6 pm? When are we supposed to eat dinner? It was like the universe heard me and said, “Oh, so you’re complaining about going to hear your daughter’s band? How about if I ruin your cookies as a punishment?” Yes, I made my tried and true chocolate chip cookie recipe for the potluck, and for the first time EVER they came out horribly (I still don’t know what went wrong, but a major ingredient must have been omitted.) I had to stop at the store to BUY cookies, so by the time I got there I was extremely irritated. As always though, it was fun hearing the band. They did a little preview of their halftime show in the courtyard of the school (first game is in a couple weeks!) If you look way to the left you can see my daughter’s blue hair! One thing I’ll say- she’s easy to pick out in a crowd. Saturday A 5 mile run that felt GREAT! Maybe it’s because I stretched for fifteen minutes before bed on Friday night? The heat didn’t even bother me too much. Then I felt good all day at work. I’m sure I could do everything exactly the same next week and feel terrible, ha ha. These things can be so random. Sunday On tap: Leg day at the gym! Moving forward, I’m switching my long runs to Wednesday. Wednesdays and Sundays are my days off, and now that school has started I’ll have more freedom on Wednesdays to get out on a trail. As always, it was a week of mostly ups and a couple downs (I’m still a little mad about those cookies.) I’m excited about the week ahead, and eager to get further into the school year, with football games and concerts. Onward! How was your week? Have you had any cooler weather? – We don’t even pretend that it will cool down here for a long time. If we’re lucky, we’ll get a break from the heat in late October. If it’s super hot in your area, do you feel like you’re finally acclimated to the heat?- I guess I am, although next week I could be singing a different tune. We’ll see!