September Coffee Date- It’s Time!

Get out the pumpkin mugs! Pumpkin Palooza has begun! I’m joining Coco and Deborah for the Ultimate Coffee Date. Grab a (pumpkin) mug of your favorite hot beverage- earl grey tea for me- and let’s get started. If we were sitting down together for coffee (tea), the first thing I would share is that I usually get out all my fall decorations on September 1st. Yes, it’s 95 degrees outside. Yes, fall doesn’t officially start until September 23rd. But I’m always so excited I can’t wait. THIS year, though, I’ve decided to start off gradually with a football theme. The first Baylor game is tomorrow night, and I’m so excited. I love college football and I LOVE our Baylor Bears! The beers are chilling in the fridge, we’ve paid the big bucks to stream the games, and I have all the ingredients for Ultimate Vegan Nachos! I always especially enjoy the very beginning of things, like the first day of Christmas vacation or the first football game of the season. I love it when things have barely begun, and all the rest is stretching out ahead. So you can imagine my happiness at pulling out my Crazy Pumpkin Lady mug for the first time this year, and decorating the house for the beginning of football. Now, let’s talk about that backsplash. In my last post I didn’t mean to imply that I would be revealing the finished product today. Ahem, not quite yet! The tiles have been ordered, and the tile guy is coming to install it next Wednesday. But since we’ve been waiting so long, here’s the tile we chose: Meanwhile, Wednesday is also the day the dishwasher repairman is coming, because our dishwasher has stopped working. This isn’t as big a tragedy as you might think- after living for over a week with no kitchen sink at all, not having a dishwasher is a minor inconvenience. I’m not exactly sure how one guy is going to repair the dishwasher while another guy is tiling our backsplash at the same time, but Wednesday is my day off, so that’s the day everyone is coming! Somehow we’ll work it out. Lastly, I would tell you that we saw Barbie- great movie! My daughter and I saw it with my friend and her two girls; our daughters have been friends since preschool. The only way we could convince the girls to go with us was to go to a theater in the next town over, so they wouldn’t run the risk of seeing anyone they knew while they were out with their moms. Sigh. We all wore pink! Here’s another “amazing” selfie. In the only shot where I don’t look like I have narcolepsy, I cut my daughter practically out of the picture. But you can see her pink top, barely. Funny side note: my daughter DID see someone she knew. Her assigned “study buddy” from biology, a nerdy (and I use that term lovingly- I like nerds) boy who walked up to her in the lobby of the theater and said “I finished the biology notes!” We all got a chuckle out of that (afterwards- not in front of him!) That’s about it for this first day of September! Are you excited about the new month? Anything you’re especially looking forward to in September?