It’s Been a Week…

Oof. It’s been a busy, busy week. All good things… like: The kitchen backsplash is done! I love it! But this meant having a stranger in the house, almost the entire day of my day off. Don’t get me wrong- I’m incredibly grateful to him. He did a great job- but still. It was stressful. Then, for two nights in a row I had to be at my daughter’s school. One for the “open house” where we meet their teachers, and the next night for a band parent meeting. I love all my daughter’s teachers! And the band meeting was about the upcoming trip to Rome. Yes, you read that right- my daughter is going to ROME in January. The band has a big trip once every four years, and it happens to fall on her freshman year. I know what you’re thinking. “Jenny, what exactly are you complaining about? That you got a new kitchen? That your daughter has incredible teachers? That she’s going on an amazing trip to Rome?” These are all great things! But I’m really scattered. At the risk of sounding incredibly neurotic, I don’t like being out at night. Once I’m home from work and dinner is done, I want to on the couch doing this: So, I’m ready for some serious quiet time… except that tomorrow night is the first home football game, GAAAAAH! Now, I don’t HAVE to go. A lot of parents don’t, but I know if I miss it, I’ll regret it. For various reasons I missed all but one of the football games my son’s junior year (he was in the marching band, like my daughter is now.) I vowed I would go to every game his senior year- and then everything was canceled because of Covid. I learned my lesson! I’ll be at the game tomorrow night. Wish me luck! And by the way, the kitchen saga is not over yet. We now have the issue of What To Do About The Floor. You’ll hear all about that next week! Do you consider yourself a homebody? – Ha, I do! I always have to gear myself up to go out, especially at night. Photo by Marissa Grootes on Unsplash