Weekly Rundown- Sunrise Edition

Oh, hello there! Welcome to the Weekly Rundown, hosted as always by Kim and Deborah (thanks, ladies!) I started off the week cautious about my sore shin… but as the week wore on, I had no pain and it looks like everything is back to normal. I also had a revelation about running in the heat… read on for details! Monday Leg day at the gym!! First up, sled pushes and pulls: Ben Patrick (Knees Over Toes Guy) says you can do the sled six days a week- even though it’s weighted, it involves concentric as opposed to eccentric movements, so it’s okay to do every day. I’m not going to the gym six days a week! But I’ll do the sled as often as I can. After the sled I did squats, deadlifts, hamstring curls, tibialis raises, and abs. Last week I said that squats scare me, and Wendy had some great advice. She said if I get down low with a heavy weight and really can’t get back up, I can just let the bar slide off my back and drop it. GREAT point! I didn’t end up dropping the bar this week, but it did make me a little less scared. Tuesday I started off the morning at home with my pull up bar, and did assisted pull ups and negatives. Then back to the gym for upper body, but first the sled, of course! If I’m doing the sled before leg day, I do about ten minutes. On this day I did 20 minutes of pushing and pulling, and it gave me a little cardio workout. Then bench press, overhead shoulder press with dumbbells, and abs. Wednesday Today was the big day- our tile guy came to tile the backsplash!!! Ahem, he came at 8 am. This meant I had to get my run in very early, before taking my daughter to school. 4 miles mostly in the dark- the sun was coming up just as I finished. Guess what? It’s WAY easier to run in the dark! That is, if you live in South Florida and it’s September. It was sooooo much cooler! I used to run in the dark all the time, but have gotten away from it in recent years. I might have to rethink that. Oh, and here’s the finished backsplash: Thursday Leg Day #2! I started at home with tibialis raises and and goblet squats, then to the gym for- you guessed it- the sled. Then squats, calf raises and Bulgarian split squats. Friday Well, I didn’t HAVE to run super early today, but I just happened to wake up at 5 am so I got out for another dark 4 miler. Once again- so much easier. Then, in the evening I attended our first home football game! It was my daughter’s first game in the marching band, and they were looking good! Funny thing- we were playing the school where my husband teaches- it was an intra-family rivalry! Tragically, our team lost in overtime. Sadness! (My husband was secretly smug, grr.) Saturday Off! I was able to sleep in a little before going to work. After work I rushed home to see the second half of the Baylor game, and THEY lost! Now I’m suffering from football depression. Sunday On tap for today- 10 mile long run. Big decision- I want to start this run in the dark, but that means it won’t be a trail run (for reasons which I expect are obvious.) Cooler run… or trail? I think a cooler run will win out. In the afternoon- the first Dolphins game! Let’s see if they can get me out of my sad football rut. How was your week? Are you getting some cooler weather? High school, college, or pro football? – I like them all, but it’s been a while since I attended a live game! Where’s the instant replay? I want a better camera angle on that play! Ha ha… it was a different experience.